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O  =W0z/OS System REXX 1  Table of ContentsTrademarks Theme Session Objectives Overview Logical Overview Diagram Comparison of REXX & TSO Servers TSO/E Command Support Security & Enclave Considerations  Usage & Invocation Arguments & Variables Interaction & Dependencies Migration & Coexistence Considerations Installation Exploiting SYSREXX Best Practices Session Summary Appendix TrademarkspSee http://www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml for a list of trademarks. New trademarks: System REXXTM SYSREXXTM X(,   *!D  0- ThemeSimplification The role of SYSREXX in  New Face of z/OS is to provide an infrastructure through which REXX execs may be run outside the normal TSO/E or Batch environments, using a simple programming interface. This enables the leveraging of base operating system components by new style applications that will, over time, lead to simplified interaction and more intuitive system management capabilities on z/OS. The ability to initiate REXX execs directly from an operator console has been long overdue on z/OS and is a drag along benefit of this initiative. The possibilities for exploiting existing REXX code through the use of SYSREXX are vast, whether to provide operator assists or to provide routines that can be leveraged by new strategic initiatives.F" Session Objectives]Describe System REXX The Design Customization Getting Started Where to find more information(HH Overview *Problem Statement / Need Addressed: Required an Infrastructure to Support Web Based Initiatives interacting with z/OS Components New Face of z/OS z/OS Simplification & Management Solution: SYSREXX allows execs to be run simply & independently from traditional TSO/E & Batch Invocation uses a single program interface (AXREXX) Operator exploitation directly from a console Benefit: Enables rapid development & deployment of system programmer tools and operator assists Can be exploited by new & old style applications Health Checks may be written in REXX$P]PP!P PUPcP PP$]!   Uc    SYSREXX Logical OverviewDSysrexx Logical OverviewRequests to execute a specific exec enter from 2 sources  as an operator command and from an assembler API (AXREXX) Operator command is taken and converted into an AXREXX invocation AXREXX processing space switches into AXR address space, constructs a request and passes it to 1 of 2 server tasks: REXX Master Server or TSO Master Server task The client task is either suspended until the request completes or is resumed depending on the SYNC= specification BuZBZZuBESysrexx Logical OverviewThe REXX Master Server will attempt to find a free worker task (1 of 64). If none are available, the request is queued Otherwise, the Request is passed to a REXX Worker task who in turn passes the request to his daughter task (worker subtask or worker daughter) It is the worker subtask that sets up the REXX environment and runs the exec Rexx Worker task will time the daughter task, depending on whether the AXREXX client requested timing 6  WdFSysrexx Logical OverviewWhen the request completes, the Worker Subtask notifies the worker task For SYNC=YES requests, the Worker Task resumes the client taskGSysrexx Logical OverviewnTSO=YES path is similar  TSO Master Server looks for 1 of 8 Worker Tasks to pass the request to Worker task does not have a Worker Subtask, but instead manages a separate address space  a TSO Server address space Worker task passes the request to the Job Step Task of the TSO Server address space Job step Task creates a Worker subtask to run the exec and behaves in a similar fashion to the REXX Worker task in the TSO=NO environment VTTHSysrexx Logical Overview>In the event of an error e.g. REXX syntax or time out Worker subtask is detached Guarantees clean up of any task related resources exec might have failed to clean up TSO Server address spaces are never terminated unless they do not respond to requests from their corresponding Worker Task in the AXR address space 6ZZUZZZZZ6U   REXX Server vs TSO Server  REXX Server Execs run in AXR AS 1-64 Worker Subtasks EMCS for each subtask Detach after 100 execs Default HCE - MVS Recommend no Data Set Allocation here Availability impact if something serious breaksX ZZzZ0Z z0 *TSO Server Execs run in AXRnn AS 1-8 TSO Server Address Spaces EMCS for each AS Detach after 200 execs All Allocation capabilities Default HCE - TSO IKJTSOEV  Dynamic TSO environment SYSCALL supported Better availability should something serious break.. just cancel AXRnn ASn ZZvZ5ZJZ v5  Jd.!TSO/E Command Support 1 of 3"<TSO=YES requires an isolated address space to avail itself of TSO/E services and POSIX host commands authorized & jscbauth = 1 Address spaces called AXR01-08 within a dynamic TSO/E environment & ikjtsoev service TSO/E was modified to allow Sysrexx execs to invoke authorized commands PeqHeqH>rK%&J TSO/E Command Support 2 of 3!xTSO=Y Requests Run authorized & jscbauth = 1 in a separate address space & axr01-08 within a dynamic TSO/E environment & ikjtsoev service We restrict the number of commands that Sysrexx officially supports because the Dynamic TSO environment does not set up all the features of the Terminal Monitor Program (TMP) VZyZZZy> S1e/ TSO/E Command Support 3 of 3!*Problems Encountered: Some authorized commands do not tolerate a dynamic environment TSO/E control blocks are unavailable or incomplete CONSOLE host command environment is not supported Userid function does not return a valid userid In R11 (or with OA26802 applied), in most cases this has been corrected, but still would be in the case where the AXREXX invoker does not specify (or default to) a valid security environment. Link, Load, or Attach unauthorized modules & ABEND306 Resources not cleaned up, may influence subsequent execs Data sets left allocated are freed (but execs should clean up) Error handling paths that ABEND if error messages are issued ?33/o?>?33/  o?<," !Security & Enclave Considerations"AXREXX is an Authorized System Service Security Controls Essential Userid and Groupid Associations for SYSREXX Address Spaces Access to APF Library Permissions Standard security administration what can be accessed and/or run EXECs by default use Invoker s Security Environment Alternatively may use: Authority of a 3rd party  a surrogat Special userid which is assigned to AXRUSER EXECs use Invoker s Enclave service class Prevent CPU priority inversion & excessive resource usage Resource usage is charged back to invoker R'PP]P!P!PP4PPTP+PdPP ]!  !4    B    *  d$$((PNc0r3System REXX Address SpacesNSome Installation s Tightly Control Started Procedures Security Administrator must update the STARTED class profile and/or the Started Procedures Table (ICHRIN03) This assigns Userid and Group characteristics to these address spaces The AXR address space is System REXX Attach to Group for System address spaces Requires READ authority SYS1.PARMLIB & SYS1.SAXREXEC In R11 (or with OA26802 applied) - REXXLIB data sets :DVDV OUsage & Invocation 1 of 7PIQEasy way for Web Based Servers to run commands/functions & get back pertinent details Method for system and application components to exploit REXX parsing strengths Leverage REXX coding skills which are extensive & span all operating systems Faster development possibilities for new Health Checks Controlling RACF passwords and phrases QR OUsage & Invocation 2 of 7PI,Provision of simplified operator assist functions & quick fixes when necessary Exploitive possibilities by Customer code, IBM & ISV components & products SYSREXX is a Server Starts early during Master Scheduler Initialization No STOP capability but the AXR address space can be forced FORCE AXR,ARM |ZZZoZZZo OUsage & Invocation 3 of 7PIbNew Macro is AXREXX Caller must be authorized Two Modes of Execution TSO=NO Limited Data Set Support TSO=YES Full Data Set Support Permitted Three Operations are supported REQUEST=EXECUTE | CANCEL| | GETREXXLIB Arguments & Variables are used to pass input to and receive output from the REXX exec Parameter List is mapped by the AXRZARG macrov1R(1R( OUsage & Invocation 4 of 7PIDNew Macro is AXREXX continued Data Types supported: Input is converted to strings Output is returned as signed/unsigned, char, binary, hex Security Environment of Requester is used by default Can be changed with SECURITY= keyword Service Classification using Requester s enclave Time Limitations are Applied to Execs Default is 30 seconds Cancellation of REXX Exec using API OREQTOKEN parameter with REQUEST=CANCEL W5&1'$) W5&0    '  $)OUsage & Invocation 5 of 6PIOperator Command Support Detected by System REXX SSI Listener Uses a customizable Command Prefix (cpf) Administrative Support cpfSYSREXX STATUS[,DETAIL] cpfSYSREXX REXXLIB Seamless operator interface for REXX execs cpfRexxExecName Arg1 Arg2 & Argn REXX Execs Read From SYS1.SAXREXEC Or other data set in REXXLIB Concatenation (R11 or OA28602 applied) 8Z%Z)ZZ0Z,Z!Z#ZDZZ%$   ,   #Dbb  7 iOUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIOriginally three SYSREXX Functions were provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console l2ZZ7ZZ,Z Z/Z2 OUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIThree SYSREXX Functions are provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console v&7, /&>i OUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIThree SYSREXX Functions are provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console N&&>36 OUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIThree SYSREXX Functions are provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console @&&o8 OUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIThree SYSREXX Functions are provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console @&&o8 y6OUsage & Invocation 7 of 7PITwo additional ones were added in R11 (or OA26802 ): AXRWAIT Waits for a specified number of seconds Similar to SLEEP host command (available in TSO=YES environment) AXRINFO Obtains environmental information 5j $5j "n1EConsole Interface for REXX Execs 1 of 4 $F>The Console Interface is the MODIFY AXR command Can be replaced by the CPF value defined in AXR00 Provides a seamless operator interface for REXX execs MODIFY AXR,[,TIMEINT= ] cpf ] REXX execs are run with the AXREXX macro CONSDATA keyword in effect AXRWTO and AXRMLWTO functions send messages to the invoking console as command responses126aDY1265)DY  >!o2DConsole Interface for REXX Execs 2 of 4E>Command Authority determines which commands may be entered from a console. A userid logging onto a console has all permissions associated with the userid Console initiated REXX Execs run TSO=YES A blank separates arguments from one another and from the other command keywords The is a CHAR string consisting of the remainder of the command line SAY, TRACE and REXX messages are directed to the invoking console as multi-line message AXR0500I{7DConsole Interface for REXX Execs 3 of 4E>AXRUSER has NOTHING to do with the Console Interface for REXX Execs Common misconception Security environment is that of the user logged onto the console MVS.SYSREXX.EXECUTE. Resource used to determine whether the invoker is authorized to execute the exec MVS.SYSREXX. Resource used to determine whether the invoker is authorized to issue F AXR,SYSREXX STATUS and other MODIFY AXR commandstDWR yDWR y  :DConsole Interface for REXX Execs 4 of 4E>MODIFY AXR,SYREXX STATUS Provides overall status of System REXX MODIFY AXR,SYSREXX STATUS,DETAIL Provides detailed information about actively running execs MODIFY AXR,SYSREXX REXXLIB (R11 or OA28602 installed) Displays the REXXLIB concatenation'!<7#'!<  7  #  Arguments & VariablesUp to 20 ARGs and 256 VARs are Supported Caller specifies the data type of the ARG/VAR, the name of the ARG/VAR and whether it is input, output or both Signed/Unsigned 32 or 64 bit, CHAR String, BIT String, and HEX String Types are supported If the ARG/VAR is input, System REXX will convert the data type to a character string and set the ARG/VAR prior to exec invocation If the ARG/VAR is output, System REXX will obtain the final value of the ARG/VAR, convert it into the specified data type and copy it into the AXREXX invokers storage AXRZARG macro provides the ARG/VAR list mapping Special Variables set by AXR on input to the exec AXRREQTOKEN 32 Hex Request Token AXRINDD 8 Char If RexxInDsn Specified AXROUTDD 8 Char If RexxOutDsn Specified P[PZPP2PP[\2, ,  bAAXRZARG Mapping Macro BA cAAXRZARG Mapping Macro BAInteractions & Dependencies6Hardware Dependencies None Software Dependencies To Process Compiled REXX Code IBM Library for REXX on zSeries OR IBM Library for REXX on zSeries Alternate Library Exploiters CIM Server .. Cluster Instrumentation Health Checker Security Server (RACF) Open to exploitation by IBM, ISV and Customer Code\ \  ,g#XInstallation 1 of 5 $YQNo Installation Requirements on z/OS V1 R9 Install OA26802 (no need if running z/OS V1 R11 or higher) SYSREXX is a new BCP Component .. 5752SCAXR All Cross-Component Dependencies Included In Base Implementation & Customization Easy & Straightforward Reference Publications Authorized Assembler Services Guide .. SA22-7605 Starting SYSREXX Requires Ability to read SYS1.PARMLIB Parmlib member CTIAXR00 Ability to read SYS1.SAXREXEC (and the REXXLIB)+PPP.P6PPfP+.6  f XInstallation 2 of 5 $YQ" Parmlib Support SYSREXX Customization: AXR00 In R11 (or with OA28602 installed) IEASYSxx can specify an AXRxx parmlib concatenation AXR=(xx,yy,& ) First valid instance of option used CPF( cpfvalue ,SYSTEM|SYSPLEX) AXRUSER(userid) Optional with APAR OA22146 applied 4X22#X  2  #33tS(,}8XInstallation 3 of 5 $YQR Parmlib Support (continued) REXXLIB support (R11 or OA28602 installed) Up to 255 data sets are supported SYS1.SAXREXEC concatenated as the last data set unless specified Data sets must have the same characteristics as SYS1.SAXREXEC (i.e. variable length records of size 255) Component Trace (SYSAXR): CTIAXRxx Defaults to ERROR tracing ZZ+ZZ$ZZZ+$  /~9XInstallation 4 of 5 $YQ Proclib Support SYSREXX is restarted using procedure AXRPSTRT S AXRPSTRT Uses AXR00 for start parms S AXRPSTRT,AXR=(xx,yy& ) - in R11 or OA28602 installed REXX LIBRARY/REXX ALTERNATE LIBRARY Must be set up to run any compiled exec . 7$(.   7$(33>Wo!WInstallation 5 of 5XQParmlib & Proclib Members Copy member AXR00 from SAMPLIB to PARMLIB Customize AXR00 Choose a Command Prefix CPF( @ ,SYSTEM) If required setup a surrogat userid that SYSREXX may use AXRUSER(SYS1) On R11 or with OA28602 installed set up REXXLIB On R11 or with OA28602 installed set up IEASYSxx and specify multiple AXRxx members CTRACE member is CTIAXR00 Restart AXR using the AXRPSTRT procedure ::1::    1P O#Exploiting SYSREXXnCustomer Validation Is Critical Implement automation tasks that could be carried out from SYSREXX: Perhaps launch from exits Implement operator assists that could be launched from the console via SYSREXX Implement health checks in SYSREXX Reference Session 2815 from Orlando SHARE Proceedings  z/OS 1.9: Health Checker Update and User Experiences with System REXX Checks http://ew.share.org/proceedingmod/abstract.cfm?abstract_id=17633  Cr7 Cr7  O@}3AExploiting SYSREXXhInvocation from the AXREXX macro SAY/TRACE output goes to the output data set specified by REXXOUTDSN on the AXREXX invocation If not specified output goes to the console specified by CONSDATA (this is the invoking console when the exec is initiated from an operator console) If CONSDATA is not specified, SAY/TRACE output is dropped AXRWTO/AXRMLWTO output goes to the Console specified by CONSDATA. Goes to the System Log if CONSDATA is not specified Errors converted into return/reason codes More info is needed to debug problems REXX communicates with messages NOT codes Use of REXXDIAG keyword essential !_:t!_: tBExploiting SYSREXXInvocation from the AXREXX macro Diagnostics when failing to process an input/output argument or variable For example, in the REXXVARS AXREXX parm, MyVar is an output variable of type AXRARGTypeUnSigned, but the variable contains non-numeric data Bad argument/variable number is stored in AXRARGLstEntryInError SYNC=YES option will suspend invoker until exec completes Do not use if the invoker cannot tolerate a delay (e.g. in an MPF exit) !I:H!I:H     PWaExploiting SYSREXXSample invocation of AXREXX macro Takes a jobname as input and issues the DISPLAY JOBS command to obtain the ASTE address of the job Typical of some applications that have been written in support of z/OSMF Invoke a command to fetch some piece of data to return to the invoker Many execs also invoke utility programs to obtain data in other ways e.g. generating data sets For example EREP can easily be invoked from an exec to format SYS1.LOGREGbIF_JIF_J  *eP_`T\ W] [^ C Common ErrorszFailure to correctly set up the REXX Run Time Library or the Alternate Library Causes failure to run compiled REXX execs Return/reason code 0C/xxxx0C08, message IRX0157E Performance issues Service class of AXR or AXRnn address spaces not set up properly (Discretionary  should be privileged) Parent task monitoring exec has much lower priority than subtask running exec (priority inversion) Causes failure to apply time limit or Cancel execs O[3O[3  ;QBest Practices 1 of 4RJ?Execs should free any obtained resources Since AXREXX is an authorized API, a level of trust is assumed since the REXX environments are reused unless the request fails (AXREXX non-zero retcode) For TSO=YES requests, SYSREXX detects data sets left allocated by the exec and deallocates them Negative performance impact Use Signal Handles: NOVALUE, SYNTAX, HALT Return the value of SIGL and the return code to the AXREXX invoker Provide a consistent diagnostic strategy Pass back return codes and reason codes of the failing API to the AXREXX invoker and any relevant messages)ZZZ*ZCZ)ZkZ)*C  )j,Q $dQBest Practices 2 of 4RJAlways specify the DIAG parm on AXREXX invocations Provides valuable diagnostic info Provide an argument to the exec to run with some level of REXX tracing active Specify RexxOutDsn or CONSDATA on AXREXX invocation to provide a destination for the trace output ^3"Nb3"Nd, RfQBest Practices 3 of 4RJCreate a REXXLIB concatenation and do NOT modify SYS1.SAXREXEC Ensure your exec names do not start with the letters A-I Use the TSO=NO environment if possible Benefits  Use of a shared address space Downside  NO TSO Host commands, NO SYSCALL (POSIX) Host commands. Single point of failure  a serious problem could cause a disruption to the AXREXX service @Z9Z'ZpZ\ZZZ@9'p[    <QBest Practices 4 of 4RJCoding conventions Use PROCEDURE/EXPOSE to ensure that changes made by a procedure only affect variables introduced within the procedure Prefix global variables with a lower case g and constants with a k. Input and Ouput Args/Vars can be prefixed with In, Out or INOUT. Variable naming conventions critical to program understanding See: http://www.rexxinfo.org/html/rexxinfo1.html#Rexx-Best-Practices I found Howard Fosdick s article to be helpful (he also has a book which is also informative)vPP>PFP^P>F  ^N l? F 0U=Possible Future EnhancementsUse the TMP for TSO=YES in place of the TSO Dynamic Environment Enables use of the CONSOLE Host Command Environment Enhance AXRWTO/AXRMLWTO Allow TSO=NO execs to be run as an operator command Operator command to cancel an exec B@4o@4p>Possible Future EnhancementsNew parmlib options Customization of default TIMEINT value (current default is 30 sec) Customization of the number of TSO=NO worker tasks and TSO=YES TSO Server address spaces Support for updating parmlib options without having to restart SYSREXX GG,/$Session SummarySystem REXX provides a gateway for new style applications to interface with z/OS components While the New Face matures, System REXX adds real value today through exploitation possibilities for operator assists and also certain system management processes We are keenly interested in your opinions and suggestions that will help to extend and mature this component Any Questions& ? .l~% AppendixCWeb Download Details Publication References SYSREXX Command Details&!Publication References)MVS Initialization & Tuning Reference SA22-7592 MVS System Commands SA22-7627 Authorized Assembler Services Guide SA22-7605 Authorized Assembler Services Reference Volume 1 SA22-7609 MVS System Codes SA22-7626 MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids GA22-7589 MVS System Messages Volume 3 SA22-7633L&P PP P$P P1P PP P&P PP P&    $  1      &    t4JSYSREXX Command 1 of 2KD   The STATUS sub-function results in a summary display of System REXX environmental information: time and date the AXR address space was started parmlib member/s used at startup command prefix used to identify console initiated REXX execs scope of the command prefix special userid against which SYSREXX requests may be invoked default timeout interval number of queued REXX execs requests REXX worker tasks available to process REXX execs Number of tasks actively processing requests Number of idle tasks Total number of tasks (active+idle) Maximum number of tasks that may be started Number of synchronous and asynchronous requests Number of untimed requests TSO server address spaces available to process REXX execs Number of address spaces actively processing requests Number of idle address spaces Total number of address spaces (active+idle) Maximum number of address spaces that may be started Number of synchronous and asynchronous requests Number of untimed requestsxcPXPP:PPcX  :   P h q u5JSYSREXX Command 2 of 2KD  q The DETAIL parameter causes detailed information about executing REXX execs to be displayed: name of the REXX exec requester Jobname and ASID type of request - TSO=N or TSO=Y time limit for the request unique request token associated with the request execution Jobname, ASID and TCB address for TSO=Y requests cpu seconds currently used current elapse time seconds<`ZZ_" >+4/3456 7 8 9 : ;<=>?@ABCDEIKLM O"P#Q$R%i0k2l3p4q5s6v7w8z:|;<=>?@ABEFGHIJKLM ` xx-т` xfт>?" dZ@?nd#@% d e" ! ?>@ n?" dd@   @@``PRqZ @ ` `pF%@`F%@`   @ _ (    jK<A.g crop_of_DM04_12_2_blue#" `  p%E%A.g crop_of_DM04_12_2_blue#" `,  N'? ?"6?@`NNN?NP  ' X Click to edit Master title style!!  4  6' #" `_  ' RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!    S    6'#" `#,O h 2008 IBM Corporation"0       A6x? ?ibm_light_gray_logo_300dpi"6?@`NNN?N'Z2  H '? ?"6?@`NNN?Na ' d*(2   lB   6D"]pplB   6D"ppe   0' #" `q~ SSHARE San Jose, California    # l'pGpGpGpG? ?"6?@`NNN?NP 8Session 2813: An Introduction To SYSREXX Infrastructure 09 0b8F  9  B  s *޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.Jv+D=' = @B + @Spring 2007 Technical Disclosurex   P ~(    ^A.g crop_of_DM04_12_2_blue#" `  ^A.g crop_of_DM04_12_2_blue#" `   NA'? ?"6?@`NNN?N"`  / System REXX Harris Morgenstern  hmorgen@us.ibm.com Ronald Northrup  RNorthru@us.ibm.com[[    bA,xibm_white_logo_300dpi"`p  # l/pGpGpGpG? ?"6?@`NNN?NQ REXX Language Symposium: 2010 2 0bG   B  T?D1?"0?@NNN?NP  B  T?D1?"0?@NNN?NZ)   6/#" `` j 2010 IBM Corporation$0        63 #" `T D* B  s *޽h ? xx-т80___PPT10.Mu( 0  8(      NC3j@j@ M(  3 v* I%%IInn  NM3j@j@  ( 3 x* I%%IInnd  c $ ?4h  34  NW3j@j@  )c 3 RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S  T\3j@j@ M  3 v* I%%IInn  TPf3j@j@   3 x* I%%IInnH  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10."ā) P(    N쥄dndn M(   X* ???__  Ntdndn  (  Z* ???__  Tdndn M   X* ???__  Tńdndn    Z* ???__H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.DP 0  L(  x  c $3@ 3 |  N3 1?"6@ NNN?N@   Ron Northrup Email Address: rnorthru@us.ibm.com Updated 11/30/2010  Harris Morgenstern Email Address: hmorgen@us.ibm.com DnZ`*: 02  H3 ?"6@ NNN?N0}  ZDecember 2010 `  H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.P:+D=' = @B +3 L0 2*@P(  P~ P s *Ć3P   3 ~ P s *P3_  3 ~ P s *3_p   3 H P 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.0wX_+D=' = @B +G L0 F>`X(  X~ X s *43P   3  X  30e0e̙ #" 0e_  3 , @`H X 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.*eE+D=' = @B +  `(  `~ ` s *3P   3  `  `3oAoA̙ 0 3 2%@eH ` 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.+e&)+D=' = @B +  L0 h<(  h~ h s *3P   3 ~ h s *l3_  3 H h 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.se^"+D=' = @B +   p<(  p~ p s *3P   S ~ p s *3IP  3 H p 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.|&0$nn+D=' = @B +1r   Hq@qjjxo(  x~ x s **S   S 2 x  v1SA?Stationery"6@ NNN?NI 75X x H3S ?"6@`NNN?Nxd  CMD SERVER CIB Control Process MODIFY Cmd SYSREXX STATUS[,DETAIL] RexxExec  Args/Vars No work waitf 7  #3 >&# B x TD?"0@NNN?Np x N4S ?"6@ NNN?N C  (2 x  vPDSA?Stationery"6@ NNN?N ?  77 x HHS ?"6@`NNN?N [   Convert & Buffer Results Marshall ARGs/VARs etc. Resume Requestor|Done Cleanup REXX CB Fields Mark Task Available Back To REXX Server$9@^B  x 6DjJ <   x HFS ?"6@ NNN?N: K  =R-SRB B  x TD?"0@NNN?N: 0 ( ; Z  x c $"`q + +   x < SS ?"6@ NNN?ND  @TSO WkT8   x <VS ?"6@ NNN?N   HSTORAGE CELLPOOL x <`ZS ?"6@ NNN?ND   @TSO WkT1  j x BA Weave +c X x 0A S  x H^S ?"6@`NNN?Nh 4  CTSO SERVER Queue Control PC Entry (API) Schedule Task No work wait x 8 L /$  x# u@  lT . x# /r bb x c $"`. x c $|jSU BPARMLIB(AXR00)bb x c $"` $  x 0PmS   BREXXLIB D/Sets` x s *"`c* x 0pSP' a MPF U/EXITs Z x c $"`cK x 0uSPI <HARDCOPY Z x c $"`c9 x 0zS"`h@ <CONSOLES  x 0(uS"`c9 (  x 0Sl6 ;MGCR(E)Z !x c $"`;T "x 0dSP =S S IR" #x@ s *ZHXINc'X" $x 0G)HIgTZ %x c $" \ &x 0hS"`V < AXR Listener FB 'x S DIFB (x S DUFB )x S DF *x H S ?"6@ NNN?N A CPF F AXR  +x HГS ?"6@`NNN?N4  DREXX SERVER Queue Control PC Entry (API) Schedule Task No work wait x 8 2 ,x  p,SA?Bouquet"6@ NNN?N' @  73 -x HS ?"6@ NNN?N  6&  .x HS ?"6@`NNN?N/  .B /x TD?"0@NNN?N: ;  0x <S ?"6@ NNN?ND {w  B REXX WkT64   1x <S ?"6@ NNN?N/ >TSO WkD8  2x NS ?"6@ NNN?N h  (L 2  3x# 2 ]h 4x ZSqA ?"6@ `NNN?Ncn  $JobStepTASK Initialize AXR Environment - Read AXR00 Allocate REXXLIB D/Set  SYS1.SAXREXEC Initialize XMS  LX/ET -> PC # CB Structures  Work Queue Initialize Component Trace Attach Server Sub-Tasks Stack/Linkage Control Initialize ESTAE & RESMGR No Work Wait Termination >    5x HDS ?"6@ NNN?N2x a SYSREXX (AXR)8  6x <dS ?"6@ NNN?ND ]X  A REXX WkT1   7x <S ?"6@ NNN?N/ >TSO WkD1 L  8x# $ 9x HS ?"6@ NNN?N   6&   :x ZSqA ?"6@ `NNN?Nh P TSO WkAsid8 (   ;x HtS ?"6@`NNN?Nr KAXR08* 1N 6     >x HdS ?"6@`NNN?Nr KAXR01* " ?x BH,I-?"0@NNN?NC 2  @x HtS ?"6@ NNN?N:    =R-SRB B Ax TD?"0@NNN?NpB Bx TD?"0@NNN?N p2 Cx  v@SA?Stationery"6@ NNN?N;| 712 Dx  pSA?Bouquet"6@ NNN?N8| 71B Ex@ ZD?"0@NNN?NB Fx ZD?"0@NNN?N(  Gx ZSA?"6@ NNN?N# B AXREXX TSO=Y    Hx  pSA?Bouquet"6@ NNN?N #l B AXREXX TSO=N   Ix N8S ?"6@`NNN?N7# =R-SRB  Jx NS ?"6@`NNN?NoRv :PC B Kx@ ZD?"0@NNN?N34 Lx NDg ?"6@`NNN?NgJ+ :PC 2 Mx  vgA?Stationery"6@ NNN?N( 8  722 Nx Ng?"6@ `NNN?N,  732 Ox  ph gA?Bouquet"6@ NNN?N ! 74 Px < S ?"6@ NNN?N B REXX WkD64   Qx Ng ?"6@ NNN?Nto ( Rx <|g ?"6@ NNN?N]X A REXX WkD1   Sx Hg ?"6@`NNN?N    Convert & Buffer Results Marshall ARGs/VARs etc. MCSOPER (EMCS) MGCRE & MCSOPMSG Resume Requestor|Done Cleanup REXX CB Fields Mark Task Available Back To REXX Server$Y@ Tx Hg ?"6@ NNN?N   6& 2 Ux  p!gA?Bouquet"6@ NNN?N.   752 Vx  v %gA?Stationery"6@ NNN?N'   732 Wx  v|(gA?Stationery"6@ NNN?NQ 74" Xx  `H,I-1?"0@NNN?NC 2 ^B Yx 6DjJ t  Zx H,g ?"6@ NNN?Nl  6&   [x H0g ?"6@`NNN?Nu TKey8 Storage IRXINIT/LOAD/EXEC \x Ht1g ?"6@ NNN?Nv] 6&   ]x H3g ?"6@`NNN?NE  TKey8 Storage IRXINIT/LOAD/EXECB ^x TD1?"0@NNN?N\ 2 _x  v=gA?Stationery"6@ NNN?N I  76" `x@  fZG*H.jIc1?"0@NNN?NVF  ax s `0e0e    B:CDEFT @  1 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'pA)BCD|E||77'(* 10-pph b X G((-(":,pM'J0%27 $ e` XRH7&('(@                  s " 0e@        @ABC DEFGHIJK5%LMNOPQRSTUWYZ[ \]^_ `abN 5%  N 5%  N    5%    !"?N@ABC DEFGHIJK5%LMNOPQRSTUWYZ[ \]^_ `ab@   bx  fGJHE<IJ1?"0@NNN?N) o cx  fG;H8I;1?"0@NNN?N_g dx  f@g1?"6@`NNN?Nn%V SConvert ARGs / VARs to string format for REXX & pass request to appropriate server$T 2Tr ex c $Eg3f"`    SYNOPSIS: AXR is a sub-system, started during MSI. Reads PARMLIB member AXR00 & allocates REXXIN data set. REXX work requests originate from operator console (detected by AXR SSI Listener) or program interface (AXREXX). REXX work arrives via PC directly into the appropriate Server. SYSREXX or console initiated REXX execs are detected by the AXR SSI Listener, converted to MODIFY AXR format and queued to the Command Server s CIB. In turn they are selected and scheduled for processing REXX Server controls a group of worker subtasks that attach daughter subtasks to process TSO=N requests. Initially 4 are started. Up to 64 as required. TSO Server controls a group of worker subtasks that start between 1-8 address spaces to process TSO=Y requests. Extended MCS consoles are associated with every REXX worker task and TSO worker address space for z/OS command/response processing. Output Arg/Var results are returned by writing into the storage locations indicated by the caller & for synchronous requests, resuming the suspended Task in the caller s AS. Results from asynchronous requests (SYNC=N) in nature fire & forget. They will usually cause other processes, watching for specific events to be triggered. J 4=2 fx  pHgA?Bouquet"6@ NNN?N8P 722 gx NZg?"6@ `NNN?N $ |  742 hx N^g?"6@ `NNN?Nt< 71d ix NtOg1?"0@NNN?Nc xConvert ARG/VAR to string format for REXX Pass request to appropriate AXR Server Return for SYNC=Y pass output ARGs backyy2 jx N\fg?"6@ `NNN?N,x 72H x 0޽h ?x!x#xx!x$xx=x?xx=xXx&xx`xJxxbxcx xx-т___PPT10i.Pa3+D=' = @B +$   $(  r  S mgP   g r  S ng_  g H  0޽h ? xx-т80___PPT10.up 0  0 0(  x  c $|gP   g x  c $`}g_  g H  0޽h ? xx-т80___PPT10.up 0  @ 0(  x  c $gP   g x  c $g_  g H  0޽h ? xx-т80___PPT10.up 0  ` 0(  x  c $hgP   g x  c $(g_  g H  0޽h ? xx-т80___PPT10.up 0  p 0(  x  c $gP   g x  c $pg_  g H  0޽h ? xx-т80___PPT10.up    2*(  ~  s *NgP   g ~  s *D7g7  g ~  s *g7q ` g H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.ph+D=' = @B +i 2 x (  r  S gP   g r  S g&  g F  @   ~  6g "`   F @`   6g "` @ H @`H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.ځ00+D=' = @B +t H  (  x  c $gP   g x  c $tg&  g F  @   ~  6g "`   @Supported Commands allocate attrib call delete exec(.. @`g  6g "` @ A free help profile rmm smcopy time <@@,# @`H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.ځ00+D=' = @B + 3 *(  r  S  P    x  c $ `    H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.ށ"+D=' = @B +    <(  ~  s *dP    ~  s *80*  H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i. +D=' = @B +$ 6 ,$(  ,r , S 'P    r , S (``   H , 0޽h ? xx-т80___PPT10.}6  @<(  ~  s *d-P    ~  s *8.  H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.|&0$nn+D=' = @B +  `<(  ~  s *`7P    ~  s *8  H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.|&0$nn+D=' = @B +  <(  ~  s *dG *   ~  s *K~  H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.|&0$nn+D=' = @B +  6(  ~  s *RP    x  c $R0   H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e@+D=' = @B +  <(  ~  s *cP    ~  s *`d  H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.|&0$nn+D=' = @B +  <(  ~  s *,NP    ~  s *m_   H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e+D=' = @B + L0 <(  ~  s *L~P    ~  s * _   H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e+D=' = @B + L0  (  ~  s *܄P      H썃 "`_   , @`H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.Aj,-+D=' = @B + L0 @(  ~  s *0P      H왃 "`_   , @`H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.Gj+D=' = @B + L0 `(  ~  s *|P      H( "`_   , @`H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.Gj+D=' = @B + :L0 0H(  H~ H s *|P     H HTŃ "`_   , @`H H 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.Gj+D=' = @B + 4 p<(  ~  s *P    ~  s *T`  H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.|&0$nn+D=' = @B + 5  0(   x   c $ʃP    x   c $̓   H   0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.y4+D=' = @B + ; `T0(  Tx T c $ރP    x T c $ރ   H T 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.y4+D=' = @B + > l0(  lx l c $P    x l c $   H l 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.y4+D=' = @B +  <(  ~  s *TP    ~  s *0Z   H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.X+D=' = @B + J  xA(  xx x c $iP   i  x 6|i "``  AXRARGLST AXRARGLST DSECT AXRARGLSTID DS CL4 Use AxrArgLstAcro for REXXArgLst and X AxrVarLstAcro for REXXVarLst AXRARGLSTVER DS X AXRARGLSTRSV1 DS CL3 Reserved - must be 0 AXRARGLSTNUMBER DS H Number of arguments AXRARGLSTENTRYINERROR DS H Output argument in error AXRARGLSTRSV2 DS CL4 Reserved - must be 0 AXRARGLSTEND DS 0C AXRARGLSTACRO EQU C'ARGL' AXRVARLSTACRO EQU C'VARL' AXRARGLSTCURVER EQU 0 AXRARGLSTVER0 EQU 0 Version 0 AXRARGLST_LEN EQU *-AXRARGLST :  Px  )  yF  p x  $ x Z<i?"6@`NNN?N@   TVAR1$h    x H?"6@`NNN?N 0 N  0 ` x p 0  x H?"6@`NNN?N 0 `B  x 6D?"0@NNN?N@0 @B  x 6D?"0@NNN?N 0 %  x T4?"6@`NNN?Np  [ AXRARGENTRY$ h    %  x Th0i?"6@`NNN?NF  [ AXRARGENTRY$ h    #  x T3i?"6@`NNN?N  Y AXRARGLST$ h     x H?"6@`NNN?N  p # x TAi?"6@`NNN?N   Y VAR1 NAME$ h    $ x ZEi?"6@`NNN?N z TVAR2$h    x H?"6@`NNN?N  x H?"6@`NNN?N pp# x TPi?"6@`NNN?N Y VAR2 NAME$ h    B x 6D?"0@NNN?N0  B x 6D?"0@NNN?N0  B x 6D?"0@NNN?N0 @@B x 6D?"0@NNN?N0 @ H x 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.xZ+D=' = @B + K @ ^(  x  c $m/P   / %  6v/ "`0`  AXRARGENTRY AXRARGENTRY DSECT AXRARGADDR DS AD Address of argument ORG AXRARGADDR AXRARGADDRHIGH DS F High half of address AXRARGADDRLOW DS A Low half of address AXRARGNAMEADDR DS AD Address of the name of the argument. X this is required for all variables and X output arguments ORG AXRARGNAMEADDR AXRARGNAMEADDRHIGH DS F High half of address AXRARGNAMEADDRLOW DS A Low half of address AXRARGLENGTH DS F Length of arg/var in bytes AXRARGALET DS F Alet of arg/var AXRARGNAMEALET DS F Alet of name of arg/var H  b38: yF  p   $  ZȤ/?"6@`NNN?N@   TVAR1$h     H?"6@`NNN?N 0 N  0 `  p 0   H?"6@`NNN?N 0 `B   6D?"0@NNN?N@0 @B   6D?"0@NNN?N 0 %   T.?"6@`NNN?Np  [ AXRARGENTRY$ h    %   Tܫ/?"6@`NNN?NF  [ AXRARGENTRY$ h    #   T|/?"6@`NNN?N  Y AXRARGLST$ h      H?"6@`NNN?N  p #  TD/?"6@`NNN?N   Y VAR1 NAME$ h    $  Z/?"6@`NNN?N z TVAR2$h     H?"6@`NNN?N   H?"6@`NNN?N pp#  T/?"6@`NNN?N Y VAR2 NAME$ h    B  6D?"0@NNN?N0  B  6D?"0@NNN?N0  B  6D?"0@NNN?N0 @@B  6D?"0@NNN?N0 @ H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.Y/g+D=' = @B +  6(  ~  s *HiP   i x  c $   H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.+j+=?+D=' = @B +  @6(  ~  s *diP   i x  c $eiPZ  i H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e+D=' = @B +  `B(  ~  s *\iP   i ~  s *]ib  i   H~i ?"6@`NNN?NpMg H$` 33 H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.|&0$nn+D=' = @B + < \B(  \~ \ s *iP   i ~ \ s *؈ib  i  \ Hdi ?"6@`NNN?NpMg H$` 33 H \ 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.|&0$nn+D=' = @B + = dB(  d~ d s *|iP   i ~ d s *|ib  i  d Hti ?"6@`NNN?NpMg H$` 33 H d 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.|&0$nn+D=' = @B +    <(   ~   s *diP   i ~   s *ܯi`  i H   0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i. - <+D=' = @B + " 0<(  0~ 0 s *iP   i ~ 0 s *|i`   i H 0 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e=]+D=' = @B + E  <(  ~  s *`iP   i ~  s *i`   i H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e=]+D=' = @B + F  <(  ~  s *iP   i ~  s *i`   i H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e=]+D=' = @B + I  p<(  p~ p s *4iP   i ~ p s *i`   i H p 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e=]+D=' = @B + 80 (  =  T$ujjjj ?"6@ NNN?N~  {IEE115I 14.45.42 2010.347 ACTIVITY FRAME 1 F E SYS=SY1 JOBS M/S TS USERS SYSAS INITS ACTIVE/MAX VTAM OAS 00000 00005 00000 00026 00009 00000/00300 00003 CONSOLE CONSOLE NSW * A=0009 PER=NO SMC=000 PGN=N/A DMN=N/A AFF=NONE CT=000.152S ET=132.523S WKL=SYSTEM SCL=SYSTEM P=1 RGP=N/A SRVR=NO QSC=NO ADDR SPACE ASTE=0F255240 DSPNAME=IEAM0015 ASTE=0C032780 h m  3333NK  T`&jjjj ?"6@ NNN?N P@  5Sample output for the Display JOBS, command6 26$ H  0޽h ? xx-т80___PPT10. @  (   N   Zk ?"6@`NNN?N ) GETASTE CSECT , GETASTE AMODE 31 GETASTE RMODE 31 * * TITLE: GETASTE * * FUNCTION: OBTAIN THE ADDRESS OF MASTER'S ASTE BY INVOKING * AN EXEC TO PARSE THE OUTPUT OF DISPLAY JOBS,*MASTER*. * THE FOLLOWING EXEC TAKES A JOBNAME AS AN INPUT ARGUMENT * AND SETS THE VARIABLE OUTASTE@. * INPUT: InJobname (argument) * OUTPUT: OutAste@ (Output variable) * * NUMERIC DIGITS 25 * ARG INJOBNAME * MYCMD = 'D JOBS,' || STRIP(INJOBNAME); * RESULT = AXRCMD(MYCMD,OUTPUTVAR.,10); /* Issue the * cmd to obtain info about the address space*/ b` 2$`2` 2$`2 > }I H   0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.c+D=' = @B + _W d(  d d Z0 kjjjj ?"6@ NNN?N p  * IF RESULT = 0 THEN * DO; * OUTASTE@ = ' ' * DO LINENUM = 1 TO OUTPUTVAR.0 WHILE(OUTASTE@=' '); * PARSE VAR OUTPUTVAR.LINENUM 'ASTE=' OUTASTE@ * END; * IF OUTASTE@ = ' ' THEN * DO; * MYRETCODE = 8; * OUTASTE@ = 0; * END; * ELSE * MYRETCODE = 0; * END; N -   J H d 0޽h ? xx-т80___PPT10.pH( SK h(  h h Zkjjjj ?"6@ NNN?Np * ELSE * DO; * MYRETCODE = 12; * OUTASTE@ = 0; * END; * EXIT MYRETCODE; ******************************************************************** BAKR 14,0 USING GETASTE,12 LR 12,15   H h 0޽h ? xx-т80___PPT10.!_s  s(  ;  Zk ?"6@`NNN?N ) s MODID BR=YES XC MYARGLST,MYARGLST CLEAR THE ARGLST HEADER XC MYVARLST,MYVARLST CLEAR THE VARLST HEADER XC MYARGEN1,MYARGEN1 CLEAR THE ARG ENTRY XC MYVAREN1,MYVAREN1 CLEAR THE VAR ENTRY LA 2,MYARGLST USING AXRARGLST,2 MVC AXRARGLSTID,MYAXRARGLSTACRO LA 5,AXRARGLSTCURVER ST 5,AXRARGLSTVER INITIALIZE THE VERSION LA 5,KNUMARGS OBTAIN THE NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS STH 5,AXRARGLSTNUMBER STORE THE NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS DROP 2 LA 5,AXRARGLSTCURVER ST 5,AXRARGLSTVER INITIALIZE THE VERSION@` 2}   H  0޽h ? xx-т80___PPT10.  {0 H(  H H T3kjjjj ?"6@ NNN?Nx  USING AXRARGENTRY,2 LA 2,MYARGEN1 ADDRESSABILITY TO FIRST ARG ENTRY LA 5,KMASTER ST 5,AXRARGADDRLOW STORE ADDRESS OF JOBNAME (*MASTER*) OI AXRARGINPUTFLGS1,AXRARGINPUT INDICATE INPUT ARG LA 5,L'KMASTER OBTAIN LENGTH OF ARG ST 5,AXRARGLENGTH STORE LENGTH OF ARG IN ENTRY MVI AXRARGTYPE,AXRARGTYPECHAR STORE TYPE OF ARG DROP 2 LA 2,MYVARLST USING AXRARGLST,2 MVC AXRARGLSTID,MYAXRVARLSTACRO LA 5,AXRARGLSTCURVER ST 5,AXRARGLSTVER INITIALIZE THE VERSION &  2 H H 0޽h ? xx-т80___PPT10. 2* ((  ( ( ZAk ?"6@`NNN?N ) r LA 5,KNUMVARS OBTAIN THE NUMBER OF VARIABLES STH 5,AXRARGLSTNUMBER STORE THE NUMBER OF VARIABLES DROP 2 USING AXRARGENTRY,2 LA 2,MYVAREN1 ADDRESSABILITY TO 1ST VAR ENTRY LA 5,OUTASTE@ ST 5,AXRARGADDRLOW STORE OUTPUT ARGUMENT LA 5,OUTARGNAME ST 5,AXRARGNAMEADDRLOW STORE ADDRESS OF NAME OF OUTPUT VAR MVI AXRARGNAMELENGTH,L'OUTARGNAME OI AXRARGINPUTFLGS1,AXRARGOUTPUT INDICATE OUTPUT VAR MVI AXRARGTYPE,AXRARGTYPEHEXSTRING INDICATE HEX STRING LA 5,L'OUTASTE@ OBTAIN LENGTH (IN BYTES) SLL 5,1 MULT BY 2 - LENGTH IS IN HEX DIGITS (NOT BYTES) ST 5,AXRARGLENGTH STORE LENGTH IN VAR ENTRY DROP 2 AXREXX REQUEST=EXECUTE,NAME=KEXECNAME,REXXARGS=MYARGLST, * REXXVARS=MYVARLST,REXXDIAG=MYAXRDIAG, * REXXOUTDSN=KOUTDSN $s` 2s  H ( 0޽h ? xx-т80___PPT10.I  jbP P(  P P TpUkjjjj ?"6@ NNN?N^   LTR 15,15 JNZ FAILLABEL USING AXRDIAG,2 LA 2,MYAXRDIAG TM AXRDIAGFLGS1,AXRDIAGNOEXECRETCODE JNZ FAILLABEL L 15,AXRDIAGEXECRETCODE &  2 H P 0޽h ? xx-т80___PPT10.K$ XP 8(  8 8 Zqk ?"6@`NNN?N )  LTR 15,15 JNZ FAILLABEL * EVERYTHING LOOKS GOOD. PROCESS OUTASTE@ HERE FAILLABEL DS 0H * PERFORM ERROR CHECKING * OUTASTE@ SHOULD CONTAIN MASTER'S ASTE ADDRESS PR KOUTDSN DC CL44'RONN.REXXLOG' KNUMARGS EQU 1 KNUMVARS EQU 1 DS 0D MYAXRARGLSTACRO DC C'ARGL' MYAXRVARLSTACRO DC AL4(AXRVARLSTACRO) KEXECNAME DC CL8'GETASTE ' KMASTER DC CL8'*MASTER*' OUTARGNAME DC CL8'OUTASTE@' $` 2  H 8 0޽h ? xx-т80___PPT10.Pc  p Xc(  X+ X T}kjjjj ?"6@ NNN?N @  i MYARGLST DS CL(AXRARGLST_LEN) MYARGEN1 DS CL(AXRARGENTRY_LEN) MYVARLST DS CL(AXRARGLST_LEN) MYVAREN1 DS CL(AXRARGENTRY_LEN) MYAXRDIAG DS CL(AXRDIAG_LEN) OUTASTE@ DS A AXRZARG DSECT=YES,AXRARGLST=YES,AXRARGENTRY=YES,AXRDIAG=YES END @   2 ,  H X 0޽h ? xx-т80___PPT10.: G  <(  ~  s *,kP   k ~  s *Ѕk`   k H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e=]+D=' = @B + ? t<(  t~ t s *kP   k ~ t s *pk`   k H t 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e=]+D=' = @B + L ` <(  ~  s *kP   k ~  s *tk`   k H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e=]+D=' = @B + M  <(  ~  s *؊#P   # ~  s *L+`   # H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e=]+D=' = @B + @  |<(  |~ | s *kP   k ~ | s *k`   k H | 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e=]+D=' = @B + A  <(  ~  s *kP   k ~  s *tk`   k H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e=]+D=' = @B + B @ <(  ~  s *kP   k ~  s *k`   k H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e=]+D=' = @B + # 86(  8~ 8 s *kP   k x 8 c $k0  k H 8 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e`+D=' = @B + $ @<(  @~ @ s *kP   k ~ @ s *Xk_  k H @ 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e+D=' = @B + %  H6(  H~ H s *$kP   k x H c $k_`  k H H 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.we2+D=' = @B +  7 0g(  0~ 0 s *kP   k ~ 0 s *k  k  0 Tm1?"0@NNN?Np  *AXR0200I SYSREXX STATUS DISPLAY SYSTEM REXX STARTED AT 11.00.30 ON 09/18/2006 PARMLIB MEMBERS: AXR00 CPF: @ (SYSTEM) AXRUSER: MEGA TIMEINT: 30 SUBSYSTEM: AXR REQUESTS QUEUED: 0 ACCEPTING NEW WORK REXX WORKER TASKS: ACTIVE: 0 TOTAL: 4 IDLE: 4 MAX: 64 ASYNC: 0 SYNC: 0 UNTIMED: 0 TSO SERVER SPACES: ACTIVE: 0 TOTAL: 0 IDLE: 0 MAX: 8 ASYNC: 0 SYNC: 0 UNTIMED: 0 " 2 0 Zd m1?"0@NNN?Nn D@SR ST" 2  0 Zdk1?"0@NNN?Nqn [@SYSREXX STATUS0 2    0 Z(k1?"0@NNN?No @OR"(2 H 0 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.+D=' = @B +n 8 }8(  8~ 8 s *0mP   m  8 Hm "` =  m q 8 Tp m1?"0@NNN?Nw@  wAXR0201I SYSREXX STATUS DETAIL EXEC=WAITLOOP CJBN=AXR CASID=0015 TSO=Y T/L=00.00.30 REQTOKEN=0000520000000000BF3A704A6511A3B5 EJBN=AXR02 EASID=0033 TCB=006FF098 CPU=000.004S TIME=005.739S EXEC=INFINITE CJBN=AXR CASID=0015 TSO=Y T/L=00.00.30 REQTOKEN=0000540000000000BF3A704C2088405C EJBN=AXR03 EASID=0032 TCB=006FF098 CPU=000.006S TIME=003.925S"x 2x 8 T!m1?"0@NNN?NE[ F@SR ST,D" 2   8 T+m1?"0@NNN?NYc b@SYSREXX STATUS,DETAIL0 2   8 T0m1?"0@NNN?N2@\ @OR"(2 H 8 0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.~+D=' = @B + 0 PT"(  Td T c $ 4h   m~ T s *lm  )c  m H T 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.gɛ 0 p\"(  \d \ c $ 4h   m~ \ s *Tm  )c  m H \ 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.gо 0 d(  dd d c $ 4h   m  d s *Tm  )c`  mH@___PPT9" HSystem REXX has the following uses: A straightforward mechanism for Common Information Model (CIM) Server Indication, Instance and Method Providers to request execution of REXX routines and z/OS System Commands and for the return of parsed operational information in support of the Business Resiliency effort. A way for system and application components to leverage the parsing strengths of REXX. Because REXX coding skills are relatively abundant and span the primary operating systems there is the possibility that code developed on one platform could be shared on others with minimal change. Faster and simpler development of new Health Checker routines. Can be leveraged to provide simplified operator assist functions and quick fixes to niggling problems.4$$H d 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.qe0 0 l"(  ld l c $ 4h   u~ l s *4 u  )c  u H l 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g`ť 0 t"(  td t c $ 4h   u~ t s *Du  )c  u H t 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.gO 0 |(  |d | c $ 4h   u  | s */u  )c  u Y Overview System REXX execs may be initiated through an assembler macro interface called AXREXX or through an operator command. Two different execution environments are supported: TSO=NO and TSO=YES. In both environments the exec runs in problem state, key 8, in an APF authorized address space; thus any modules that are loaded, linked or attached from the exec must reside in an APF authorized library. Also in both cases, the REXX exec runs under the WLM enclave of the AXREXX invoker. When TSO=NO is specified on the AXREXX invocation, the exec is executed in an MVS host command environment, sharing the address space where it is executing with up to 63 other concurrently running TSO=NO execs. The exec runs under a task in the AXR address space which runs under the MASTER subsystem. Besides MVS, the following host command environments are supported: LINK, LINKMVS, ATTACH, ATTCHMVS, ATTCHPGM, CPICOMM, LU62, APPCMVS Dataset allocation, other than provided by the AXREXX macro, is not supported in this environment. Applications that perform input/output to datasets other than those specified on the REXXINDSN and REXXOUTDSN AXREXX keywords should use TSO=YES. The TSO=YES environment supports all of the host commands that TSO=NO supports, along with some of the host commands supported by TSO. If TSO=YES is specified on the AXREXX invocation, the exec will run isolated in a single address space, and can safely allocate datasets without concern of a DDNAME conflict with a concurrently running exec. If the exec were to exit with datasets allocated, System REXX will free the allocations. The TSO environment is established by the Dynamic TSO Service (IKJTSOEV) and does not support all of the TSO functionality. In R11 (or with OA26802 applied) the TSO=YES environment supports UNIX System Services host commands, assuming that the invoker of AXREXX specifies (or defaults to) a valid security environment. Additionally, in R11 (or with OA26802 applied) execs running in this environment will run under the primary subsystem (i.e. JES) if it is available. Below is a list of TSO host commands that are intended to be supported: ALLOCATE (excludes the SYSOUT operand), FREE, ALTLIB, ATTRIB, CALL, DELETE, EXEC, HELP, PROFILE, SMCOPY, TIME, WHEN. In R11 (or with OA26802 applied), the STORAGE external function is enabled, but only for reading storage; writing storage is prohibited due to the potential risk of inadvertently modifying system storage. There can be up to 64 REXX worker tasks, running TSO=NO execs and up to 8 TSO Server address spaces running TSO=YES execs. If a worker task is not available for an inbound TSO=NO request or a TSO Server address space is not available for a TSO=YES request, the request is queued and the requestor is suspended if SYNC=YES is specified. AXREXX invokers who use SYNC=YES should be careful when a potentially long wait time is unacceptable. At most 5000 active and waiting requests are allowed to exist at any time. Once this threshold is reached, subsequent AXREXX requests are rejected until the number of active and waiting requests drops to 4000. ENF signals (65) are issued when the threshold is exceeded (qualifier of 20000000x), when the total number of requests is getting close to the threshold (qualifier of 08000000x) and when acceptance of inbound requests is resumed (qualifier of 10000000x). "Z P Q H | 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.}ez 0 (  d  c $ 4i   u  s *u  )cT  u<4___PPT9 0qH  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.Mp5  0 |0(  d  c $ 4h   up  s *ğu  )c  u 0Security The SECURITY and UTOKEN parameters on the AXREXX macro determine the security environment that the exec runs in. If omitted, the exec will run under the same security environment as its invoker. The security environment determines the datasets that may be accessed and the commands and programs that may be invoked. When SECURITY=BYUTOKEN is specified, the invoker can provide a UTOKEN to define the specific security environment that the exec should run under (see z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference). When SECURITY=BYAXRUSER is specified, the exec will run under the security environment associated with the value (surrogat userid) of the AXRUSER parameter specified in the AXR00 parmlib member. This could be useful if the installation wants to invoke AXREXX in an address space that does not have a security environment such as the MASTER address space. The exec should not invoke any services that alter the security environment of the task running the exec. Controlling use of the surrogat userid may be restricted through universal access control and limiting the userids or groups in the permission's list. ADDUSER siteuserid DFLTGRP(sitegroupid) RDEFINE SURROGAT SYSREXX.* UACC(NONE) PERMIT SYSREXX.* CL(SURROGAT) ID(siteuserid) ACCESS(READ) SETROPTS RACLIST (SURROGAT) REFRESH By default the AXREXX macro invocation uses SECURITY=BYUTOKEN. In this situation a security token always accompanies the request. It is used to establish the security environment of the invoker under which the exec will be run and is limited to whatever permission's are applicable to the invoker. Additionally, if the REXX exec uses the AXRCMD function to issue a system command, the security token will be passed to MGCRE ensuring the identical security information is used. The security token value may be explicitly provided using the optional parameter UTOKEN, on the AXREXX macro. If omitted, this value will be implicitly set to that of the invoker s security environment. In all cases, the REXX exec runs under the WLM enclave of the AXREXX invoker. 6 t}lL/ F -H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.{ePY5  0 P"(  d  c $ 4h   u~  s *|u  )c  u H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.gH  0 p"(  d  c $ 4h   u~  s *u  )c  u H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.gPīN  0 ^(  d  c $ 4h   u  s *lu  )c  u HInput/Output files AXREXX allows TSO=NO invokers to pass an input dataset via the REXXINDSN parameter and both TSO=NO and TSO=YES invokers to specify an output dataset via the REXXOUTDSN parameter. The input dataset is used by REXX functions that require input from a user such as PARSE EXTERNAL or could be read directly via EXECIO, using the DDNAME specified by the REXX variable AXRINDD. If an output dataset is specified, any SAY or TRACE output from the exec is directed there. Data may also be written to the output dataset via EXECIO using the DDNAME specified by the REXX variable AXROUTDD. Any error messages that the REXX interpreter issues will also be directed to the output dataset. If no output dataset is supplied, SAY, TRACE and REXX messages will be directed to the console specified by the CONSNAME keyword as part of a multi-line WTO AXR0500I. The AXREXX user should be careful not to flood the system with messages and be especially careful when using REXX Tracing when the output is directed to a console. If CONSNAME and REXXOUTDSN are both not specified, the output is lost. Both the input and output datasets may either be sequential or partitioned. In the case of the latter, the REXXINMEMNAME or REXXOUTMEMNAME keywords must be specified. If the output dataset does not exist, System REXX will create a sequential or partitioned dataset consisting of 3 primary blocks, 3 secondary blocks and 1 directory block (if it s a PDS) where each block is 27920 bytes. The dataset will be kept when the exec completes and excess space will be released. If System REXX detects that the output dataset runs out of space, the exec will be terminated and a return code of 8 will be returned to the AXREXX invoker. If there is no data for the PARSE EXTERNAL command in the input dataset, the null string will be returned. Other Outputs In the case where the request is issued with the SYNC=YES option, the invoker is suspended and the results of the request are provided to the invoker upon resumption. For SYNC=NO, when a failure occurs in attempting to process the exec and System REXX cannot pass a return code back to the AXREXX invoker, message AXR0203I will be issued to the console specified on the CONSDATA keyword. If the request is successful, no message is issued. 8Z!H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.e$J  0 Z(  d  c $ 4h   u  s *p  )c  u D Time Limits and Canceling a Request The AXREXX invoker can limit the amount of time that an exec can run by using the TIMELIMIT/TIMEINT keywords. When the time limit is reached, System REXX will attempt to HALT the exec. If the exec still does not complete after waiting for some time, the task running the exec will be detached. Invokers who specify a time limit should realize that time out is an error condition and that for SYNC=YES invokers, the final values of output arguments and variables will not be returned to the AXREXX invoker. AXREXX supports an interface to CANCEL an exec. SYNC=NO AXREXX invokers can obtain the Request Token via the OREQTOKEN parameter for later input to AXREXX CANCEL. Cancel is processed internally as if the exec timed out. *$H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.e,Ap 0 "(  d  c $ 4h   ~  s *  )c   H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g  0 $(  d  c $ 4h     s *   )c   ,Functions Three functions are provided: AXRCMD, AXRWTO and AXRMLWTO. AXRCMD is used to issue a system command from within the exec and obtain one or more command responses. The arguments that can be specified are listed below: " Command text  The system command to be invoked. This is an optional argument. If it is omitted, no command will be issued, but a response from the last command issuance will be returned if one exists. " Msgstem - The stem of a list of variables into which AXRCMD places the command response message text. This is an optional argument. If it is omitted, Command text must be specified. To place the message text into compound variables which allows for indexing, msgstem should end with a period (e.g.  messg. ). AXRCMD places each line of the retrieved message into successive variables. For example, if the command response is a 3 line message, messg.1 contains line 1, messg.2 contains line 2 and messg.3 contains line 3. messg.0 will contain the number of lines. If msgstem does not end with a period, the variable names are appended with consecutive numbers. For example, suppose you specify msgstem as  conmsg (without a period). If AXRCMD retrieves a message that has two lines of message text, AXRCMD place the text in the variables consmsg1 and consmsg2. The variable consmsg0 contains the number of lines in the message text, which is 2. " Time  The amount of time in seconds that AXRCMD should wait for a command response. This is an optional argument. If it is omitted, AXRCMD will not wait before attempting to determine whether a command response was returned. A value of 0  21474535 seconds may be specified. Return codes are as follows: " 0  the system command was issued and the command response received if requested. The REXX variable AXRDIAG contains the return code and ASID (separated by a blank) from MGCRE which are only valid for the START command. " 4  Command was issued but no command response was received in the specified time limit. " 8  The input wait time contained an invalid value. AXRCMD is not processed. " 12  Too many arguments were passed. AXRCMD is not processed. " 16  The variable name to contain the output of the system command was not acceptable to REXX. If a command was specified, it is issued, but no command response is returned. " 20  A required argument was omitted. Either the Command text or Msgstem (or both) must be specified. This return code will also occur if the one of these two arguments are 0 in length. AXRCMD is not processed.8 P = # |H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.e!( 0 (  d  c $ 4h     s *X  )c    Functions continued& AXRCMD continued& " 24  STIMERM could not be issued to time the request, possibly because there were too many STIMERM requests already in existence. The command was issued if the command argument was specified, but the command response is not returned. " 32  The command text is too long, exceeding 126 characters. AXMCMD not processed. When command text is specified, AXRCMD invokes the MGCRE macro to issue the command. When the START command is invoked, AXRDIAG will contain the return code from MGCRE in hexadecimal, followed by the ASID of the new address space (also in hexadecimal), separated by a blank. Users of AXRCMD can initiate another REXX exec by either specifying the MODIFY AXR command or CPF prefix, but should be careful not to recursively invoke the same exec using AXRCMD. Some examples of the invocation of AXRCMD follow: CmdResult=AXRCMD('D U,,,480', OUTPUTVAR. ,40); /* Issue the D U command */ DO I = 1 TO OUTPUTVAR.0 /* Iterate for the number of lines returned */ SAY OutputVar.I /* Say the line */ END; MyResult=AXRCMD('D T'); /* Issue the D T command but don t wait for a command response */ MyResult=AXRCMD(,  OUTPUTVAR. ,10); /* Obtain the command response from the last command issued and wait up to 10 seconds if it has not arrived */X  acP} p NH  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.e!(  0 V N 0 (  d  c $ 4h   B   s *D  )c   6Functions continued& AXRWTO is a function that issues the WTO macro containing the specified text, using the CONSNAME and CART provided on the AXREXX invocation. If CONSDATA is not specified the message text is sent to the system log. There is one required argument for AXRWTO: " Message text - containing the message text to be issued via the WTO macro. The text must be from 1-126 characters in length. The return codes from AXRWTO are: " 0  AXRWTO was successful " 4  Input message text was too long. WTO is truncated. " 8  Input message text was a 0 length string. WTO not issued. " 12  Too many arguments were passed. WTO not issued " 16  The WTO macro returned a bad code. The REXX variable AXRDIAG contains the return code from WTO (in hexadecimal) " 20  Required argument was omitted. WTO not issued. The following are examples of AXRWTO: WTOResult=AXRWTO('Hello from a REXX Exec'); CALL AXRWTO  Hello from a REXX Exec ; /* The return code from AXRWTO is set in the variable  Result */ J  L,h  H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.Aj@Xf 0 <4P(  d  c $ 4h   (  s *m  )cz  bZ___PPT9<4 LxFunctions continued& AXRMLWTO is similar to AXRWTO, except instead of issuing a single line WTO, a multi-line WTO is issued instead. There are three required arguments for AXRMLWTO: " Message Text  containing the text of the message, the length of which depends on the line type. " Name of connect id variable - for the first invocation of the multi-line WTO, the variable should be set to FIRSTLINE. After the first call, the variable will contain the connect id and should not be altered by the application until the multi-line WTO is completed. " Line type  there are 5 different line types. For details, see the description of the WTO macro in z/OS Authorized Assembler Services Guide. C  Control line. The message text must be from 1-35 characters. If used, this must be the first line of the multi-line. L  Label line. The message text must be from 1-71 characters. D  Data line. The message text must be from 1-71 characters. DE  Data end line. The message text must be from 1-71 characters. E  End line. The message text must be omitted. AXRMLWTO has the following return codes: " 0  AXRMLWTO was successful " 4  Message text was too long. Message is truncated. " 8  Text length was 0. WTO not issued. " 12  Too many arguments were passed. WTO not issued. " 16  WTO macro returned a bad code. The REXX variable AXRDIAG contains the return code from WTO in hexadecimal. " 20  A required argument was omitted. WTO not issued. " 24  Invalid line type. WTO not issued. " 28  Invalid connect id. WTO is not issued " 32  Unable to set connect id variable. The variable name is bad. WTO was issued Some examples of the invocation of AXRMLWTO follow: PUP{P+PP  +    H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.Gjp  0   p(  d  c $ 4h     s *Ձ  )c   Functions continued& AXRMLWTO continued& ConnectId = 'firstline'; MyResult=AXRMLWTO('Line 1 from a REXX Exec', 'Connectid','c'); /* Issue the 1st line of the multiline */ IF MyResult^=0 THEN EXIT 1; MyResult=AXRMLWTO('Line 2 from a REXX Exec', 'Connectid','d'); /* Issue the 2nd line of the multiline */ IF MyResult ^=0 THEN EXIT 2; CALL AXRMLWTO ,'ConnectId','e'; /* End the multiline. In this case, return code from AXRMLWTO is set in the variable  result */ DP  ,  * A u > (  H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.Gjp> 0 N(  d  c $ 4h     s *  )c   8Argument and Variable processing The AXREXX macro allows the invoker to specify up to 20 arguments and 256 variables by specifying the REXXARGS or REXXVARS parameter respectively. To use the REXXARGS and REXXVARS parameters, the AXREXX invoker must create a header section mapped by AXRARGLST followed in contiguous storage by 1 or more AXRARGENTRY sections. The mappings for AXRARGLST and AXRARGENTRY can be found in AXRZARG. AXRARGLST contains the following: " AxrArgLstId  Set this to either AxrArgLstAcro or AxrVarLstAcro depending on whether this is for the RexxArgs parameter or the RexxVars parameter " AxrArgLstVer  Set to 0 (the current version) " AXRARGLstNumber  Set to the number of Arguments or variables i.e. the number of AXRARGLstEntry s that follow " Other fields must be cleared to 0 AXRARGLSTEntry contains the following: " AXRARGAddr  Set this to the 64 bit address of the buffer containing the argument or variable. If the argument or variable resides below 2Gig, use AXRARGAddrLow and make sure AXRARGAddrHigh is 0. " AxrNameAddr  Set this to the 64 bit address of the buffer containing the name of the argument or variable. This field can be set to 0 if this is for an input only argument. If this name resides below 2Gig, use AXRNameAddrLow and set AXRNameAddrHigh to 0. " AXRARGLength  Set this to the length of the buffer containing the argument or variable. Note that different argument/variable types have specific requirements regarding lengths. " AXRARGAlet  Set this to the alet of the argument/variable. Must be on the DUAL of the task that invokes AXREXX. If the argument/variable resides in the invoker s primary address space, set this to 0. " AXRARGNameAlet  Set this to the alet of the buffer containing the name of the argument/variable. Must be in the DUAL of the task that invokes AXREXX. If the name resides in the invoker s primary address space, set this to 0. " AXRArgOutLength  System REXX sets this to the length of data returned to the invoker. Note that this value is in units of bytes for types Signed, Unsigned and Char, in units of hex digits (half bytes) for type HexString and in units of bits for type BitString. " AxrArgNameLength  Set this to the length of the name of the argument. This must contain the actual length of the argument or variable and not include any trailing blanks. " AxrArgType  Set this to the type of the argument/variable. " AXRARGInput  Set this if the argument/variable in the REXX exec is to be initialized to a value on entry to the exec. " AXRArgOutput  Set this if you want to retrieve the final value of the argument/variable on exit from the exec for a SYNC=YES request. Note that if the variable is not set by the exec, System REXX will fail the request. " P"    ( $D2         6 o H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.~e c' 0 7(  d  c $ 4h     s * 7  )c   ! There are no hardware or cross-component BCP dependencies for System REXX on z/OS 1.9. All dependencies are incorporated in z/OS 1.9 base. There is a loosely coupled software prerequisite when compiled REXX code is to be processed; IBM Library for REXX on zSeries Alternate Library (5695014/HWJ9143) will automatically be included on z/OS ServerPacs from z/OS 1.9 onwards, should the installation not be licensed for IBM Library for REXX on zSeries (5695014/HWJ9140). This Alternate Library is entitled and provides a basic runtime processor capable of interpreting compiled REXX execs. Its inclusion is necessary as some IBM REXX code is shipped only in compiled format.>L \H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.,jC 0 P"(  d  c $ 4h   ~  s *   )c   H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g@] 0 pm(  d  c $ 4h     s * U  )c   WNote that the first valid instance of a parmlib keyword is used. So for example, if two valid instances of the CPF keyword were to appear in a single parmlib member or multiple parmlib members, the first would be used. >(j%H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g@۽B 0 $R(  $d $ c $ 4h    $ s *`  )c   <Planning to Use System REXX System REXX starts automatically during Master Scheduler Initialization. There is a SYS1.PARMLIB member (CTIAXR00) for controlling Component Trace (Errors are traced by default) and also a SYS1.SAMPLIB member (AXR00) that may be tailored and copied into SYS1.PARMLIB to override IBM supplied defaults. AXR00 parameters are described in z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference. If AXR00 is not found, default in SYS1.PARMLIB default specifications apply (CPF = REXX&sysclone. and AXRUSER = AXRUSER). The System REXX address space, AXR, is non-cancelable, but can be terminated by invoking FORCE AXR,ARM. When the AXR address space terminates, ENF signal 65 with a qualifier of 40000000x is issued. AXR can be restarted by starting the AXRPSTRT proc, which can be found in SYS1.PROCLIB. When the AXR address space initializes, an ENF signal of 80000000x is issued. The Command (CPF) prefix defined in AXR00 can be used as a short-hand way of invoking a REXX exec or the SYSREXX STATUS command from a console as opposed to specifying MODIFY AXR. The installation has the option of defining the prefix to be SYSTEM or SYSPLEX in scope. See z/OS MVS Planning: Operations for more detail about CPF processing. The MODIFY AXR command is discussed in z/OS System Commands. The installation should also evaluate the security issues involved with System REXX, including restricting access to the SYS1.SAXREXEC dataset. Additionally, the installation should determine who should be allowed to issue MODIFY AXR to submit an exec for execution or to display status from an operator console. The resource entities for these are MVS.SYSREXX.EXECUTE.<exec name> or MVS.SYSREXX.STATUS. For MODIFY AXR,SYSREXX STATUS, if SAF cannot decide whether the request is authorized it will be allowed. For MODIFY AXR,<exec name>, if SAF cannot decide whether the request is authorized, it will be allowed only if the invoking console has MASTER authority. The SYS1.SAXREXEC dataset contains execs that IBM has provided. These execs should never be deleted or modified in any way. Customers can add their own execs to this dataset, although in R11 or with OA28602 installed it is recommended to maintain non-IBM execs in different data sets. In any case, the installation s execs should not start with the letters A through I which are reserved for IBM. "f PJ , NH $ 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.}e@ 0 4"(  4d 4 c $ 4h   ~ 4 s *k  )c   H 4 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g`ĭ 0 <"(  <d < c $ 4h   ~ < s *q  )c   H < 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.gP  0 D"(  Dd D c $ 4h   ~ D s *,  )c   H D 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g!2! 0 0L"(  Ld L c $ 4h   ~ L s *  )c   H L 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.gp`L 0 ~(  ^  S  4R   3x  c $x3  )c  3 H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.%GA. 0 ~ (  ^  S  4h   x  c $0  )c   H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.YZ/ 0 ~0(  ^  S  4h   x  c $/  )c   H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10. uZ_1 0 o(  d  c $ 4h     s *  )c   YENote that TIMEINT defaults to 30 seconds and may be abbreviated as T=H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g 2 0 $"(  $d $ c $ 4h   ~ $ s *  )c   H $ 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.yPӏ3 0 ((  (^ ( S  4h     ( c $̯  )c    A new system address space, AXR, must be added to the installation s designated RACF group for system address spaces, if it does not already do so by default. Even though there is no AXR procedure in SYS1.PROCLIB, you must still ensure that there is a matching entry in either the Started Procedures Table (ICHRIN03) or that a STARTED class profile has been defined that matches the name AXR, assigning userid and system group characteristics to the AXR address space. The following RACF commands can be used to accomplish this dynamically. If SYS1 is not the RACF group name used for procedures starting system address spaces in your installation, substitute it with the correct group name established by your installation. RDEFINE STARTED AXR*.* STDATA(USER(=MEMBER),GROUP(SYS1)) SETROPTS RACLIST(STARTED) GENERIC(STARTED) REFRESH For details, see the topic "Using Started Procedures" in the z/OS Security Server RACF Security Administrator s Guide. Alternatively, the following statements might be added to ICHRIN03 that must then be recompiled and link-edited. Also, recognize that an IPL is required for the updated started procedures table to take effect. Separate entries for each AXRnn address space must be added. ICHRIN03 CSECT ... DC CL8 AXR  SYSREXX Procedure Name DC CL8 =  Procedure Name is USERID DC CL8 SYS1  Sites Group Name for System Tasks DC XL1 00 Neither Privileged or Trusted DC XL7 00 Reserved For details, see the topic "The Started Procedures Table (ICHRIN03)" in the z/OS Security Server RACF System Programmer s Guide. v~Zm=8)M3H ( 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.}64 0 4"(  4d 4 c $ 4h   ~ 4 s *Ђ  )c   H 4 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g݀5 0 <"(  <d < c $ 4h   ~ < s *<Ղ  )c   H < 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g>6 0 @LN(  Ld L c $ 4h    L s *ڂ  )c   8Functions continued& AXRWAIT: CALL AXRWAIT 5 /* Wait for 5 seconds */ AXRINFO: MySubsystem = AXRINFO( SUBSYSTEM ); /* Obtain the subsystem we are running under */\P   P U{ JH L 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.Gjp7 0 pX"(  Xd X c $ 4h   ~ X s *  )c   H X 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.yPӏ8 0 7/`(  `d ` c $ 4h   # ` s *  )c   wHere are some examples of REXXLIB statements: REXXLIB ADD DSN(HMORGEN.MYREXX) VOL(PEVTST) REXXLIB ADD DSN(hmorgen.pds2)x.JH ` 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g@۽9 0 h(  hd h c $ 4h    h s *(  )c   Some REXX code that IBM provides is compiled and requires a runtime processor from either the licensed IBM Library for REXX on zSeries (5695-014  FMID HWJ9140) or the entitled no charge IBM Library for REXX on zSeries Alternate Library. For z/OS Version 1 Release 9 and above ServerPacs, orders will be shipped with either one or the other depending on the configuration that was ordered.  >M< hH h 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g@۽N: 0   p^ (  pd p c $ 4h     p s *$   )c   H  MODIFY AXR,SYSREXX may be replaced by <cpf>SYSREXX SYSREXX may be abbreviated as SR STATUS  ST DETAIL  D REXXLIB  R Output from MODIFY AXR,SR ST: SY1 AXR0200I SYSREXX STATUS DISPLAY 770 SYSTEM REXX STARTED AT 16.55.00 ON 11/30/2010 PARMLIB MEMBERS: AXRHM CPF: @ (SYSTEM) AXRUSER: IBMUSER TIMEINT: 30 SUBSYSTEM: AXR REQUESTS QUEUED: 0 ACCEPTING NEW WORK REXX WORKER TASKS: ACTIVE: 0 TOTAL: 4 IDLE: 4 MAX: 32 ASYNC: 0 SYNC: 0 UNTIMED: 0 TSO SERVER SPACES: ACTIVE: 0 TOTAL: 1 IDLE: 1 MAX: 8 ASYNC: 0 SYNC: 0 UNTIMED: 0 Output from MODIFY AXR,SR ST,D: SY1 AXR0201I SYSREXX STATUS DETAIL 786 EXEC=JUNK2 CJBN=AXR CASID=0015 TSO=Y T/L=00.01.40 REQTOKEN=0000400000000000C6F6BF142A45D603 EJBN=AXR04 EASID=002C TCB=006E4668 CPU=000.009S TIME=003.328S Output from MODIFY AXR,SR R: SY1 AXR0202I SYSREXX REXXLIB DISPLAY 792 ENTRY VOLUME DATA SET 1 PEVTST HMORGEN.MYREXX 2 PEVTST HMORGEN.AXRR11.REXX 3 BCPSV1 SYS1.SAXREXEC 4 ZD113B SYS1.SAXREXEC $E'H p 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.yPӏ; 0 x"(  xd x c $ 4h   ~ x s *,)  )c   H x 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g`ĭ< 0  "(  d  c $ 4h   ~  s *.  )c   H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g`ĭ= 0 0 "(  d  c $ 4h   ~  s *  )c   H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g`ĭ> 0 P "(  d  c $ 4h   ~  s *L4  )c   H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g`ĭA 0 SK (  d  c $ 4h   ?  s *9  )c   System REXX keeps track of IRX (REXX) and IKJ (TSO) messages. In the event of a syntax error SYSREXX is able to return the message id corresponding to the syntax error, the line number and possibly other REXX/TSO issued messages. xxxx0828 Name: AXRExecSyntaxError Meaning: A syntax error or some other run time error was encountered during the execution of a REXX exec. Action: The REXX interpreter issues one or more error messages that indicate the offending line number. If RexxOutDsn is specified, look at the dataset for the message. If RexxOutDsn is not specified but ConsData is specified, look at the console or the system log. If RexxDiag is specified, AXRDIAG1 contains the number of the error which corresponds to an IRXnnnI message, AXRDIAG2 contains the line number where the error occurred and AXRDIAG3 and AXRDIAG4 contain the message ids of the last two IRX or IKJ messages that were issued before the exec completed. All of these values are in packed decimal format with the sign bits shifted out. A 1 in the high order byte distinguishes an IKJ message from an IRX message.  P t G "[nH  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g`ĭB 0  "(  d  c $ 4h   ~  s *P  )c   H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g`ĭC 0  "(  d  c $ 4h   ~  s *U  )c   H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g`ĭJ 0  "(  d  c $ 4h   ~  s *xg  )c   H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.YZa 0  t"(  td t c $ 4h   ~ t s *l  )c   H t 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g`ĭC b 0 0 |S(  |d | c $ 4h    | s * t  )c   =Both the REXXARGS and REXXVARS parameters are mapped using the same mapping in AXRZARG. The mapping consists of a header, AXRARGLST, followed by one or more entries mapped by AXRARGENTRY. The entries point to buffers which contain the actual value of the input arg/var or the spot where the output arg/var will be placed. These buffers are 64 bit addressable and can be alet qualified. This diagram shows the format of the AXREXX RexxVars (RexxArgs) parameter with two variables (arguments). AxrArgLst is the header followed by 1 or more AxrArgEntry; 1 for each argument or variable. AxrArgLst is the header followed by 1 or more AxrArgEntry; 1 for each argument or variable. AxrArgLstNumber contains the number of variables (arguments). When a failure occurs attempting to process a variable (argument), AxrArgLstEntryInError contains the index of the AxrArgEntry that caused the error. The reason code from AXREXX describes the problem. When an error occurs processing an output arg/var, processing terminates i.e. no subsequent args/vars are processed. AXRZARG &DSECT=YES,&LIST=YES,&TITLE=YES,&AXRARGLST=YES, &AXRARGENTRY=COND,&AXRDIAG=COND FUNCTION: Contains the mapping of the argument/variable list and the DIAG area for the AXREXX service. SIZE: AXRARGLST -- X'0010' bytes AXRARGENTRY -- X'0028' bytes AXRDIAG -- X'0028' bytes ACRONYM: ARGL or VARL Inclusion will create a DSECT AXREXX Return and Reason Code definitions EYE-CATCHER: ARGL or VARL OFFSET: 0 LENGTH: 4 A=. % $ % %t y+ H | 0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.uy}c 0 P "(  d  c $ 4h   ~  s *đ  )c   H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.^,d 0 p "(  d  c $ 4h   ~  s *  )c   H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g`ĭf 0  "(  d  c $ 4h   #~  s *#  )c  # H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g`ĭrLPg!0~  S36ӧjYZ[0B #@_ tg jl30}Wq0ضHhF "I<K0B/DGO@\^a,cd h Fek Tgbin]pkmНo?oyy \|ҌpW_Ơ:bd. )U#(` ,=l1>I&,7EP6WJqcZ]D ( h  v&rnorthru@us.ibm.com4mailto:rnorthru@us.ibm.com~http://www.rexxinfo.org/html/rexxinfo1.html#Rexx-Best-PracticesVhttp://wwOh+'0T hp    $, RONNTDM Spring 2007Harris Morgenstern107Microsoft PowerPoint@=@0^,@@G!GS;  )'  A  """)))UUUMMMBBB999|PP3f333f3333f3ffffff3f̙3ff333f333333333f33333333f33f3ff3f3f3f3333f33̙33333f333333f3333f3ffffff3f33ff3f3f3f3fff3ffffffffff3ffff̙fff3fffff3fff333f3f3ff3ff33f̙̙3̙ff̙̙̙3f̙3f333f3333f3ffffff3f̙3f3f3f333f3333f3ffffff3f̙3f3ffffffffff!___wwwJava4'A x@(xKʦ """)))UUUMMMBBB999|PP3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙f3333f3333333333f3333333f3f33ff3f3f3f3333f3333333f3̙33333f333ff3ffffff3f33f3ff3f3f3ffff3fffffffff3fffffff3f̙ffff3ff333f3ff33fff33f3ff̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff̙̙3̙f̙̙̙3f̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙3ffffffffff!___wwwfffffffϋϋφϭϋϋϭϋϋφφϋffffϋϮϴϋϋϋϮϮՋffffffffφϋϋϋϋϋϋϮϋϋϋϮϋϋφφϋϋffffffϋϋϮϴϮϮϮϮϮϮϋϮϋՆfffffffffφϋϋϋϋϋφϋφφϋϋծffffϋϋϋϮϮϋϋϋϮϋϋϋՆffffffϋφϋφϋφծffffϮϋϮϋϮϋϮϋϮϮffffffffffφfffffφfϋ֮ffflfffϋfϋϋϮφϋϋϋφϋՋfffffffffϋfffϋφfϋϋφϭϮφϋϴϋffffffϋφfϋϋfϮφϋϮϋϮϮխφefffBffφfffϋϋfffffφfϋ֮fffffϋfϋφϴφffffffϮϴφfffffφfϭϋϋϋϋffffffϭφfϭϋffφϮϮϋϮϴffϋfϮφfffϭφffφϋϋfϋfϋϮϋφfϮfφϋϮϋϋϋϋϋφfffϋφfϋϮφffϋffffϮϋfϮϮϴϴϮφϋϮφϮϋfff洆fffϭφϋφϭφffφffffffϋϋfϋ洮ϋφfffϮffϋffffffϭffφfffffffffffφfffϋCffϋf洮ϮfφffffffffϮfffφeCBffffBՋfffφffefffeffffffffffִϴϋφfBfffffCffϋϮφffffffffffffffffϴՋφfBf]Fir$%3àRHM;"i"R$v! )NX R$qܣ!h=;h jjjj     A@  A  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}Root EntrydO)0QGPicturesKCurrent UserVSummaryInformation(S UPowerPoint Document(l?DocumentSummaryInformation8~w.rexxinfo.org/html/rexxinfo1.html0&Rexx-Best-Practices,/ 0`DArialNew ps MQ0 0"DWingdingsps MQ0 0 DTimesngsps MQ0 0 0DImpactgsps MQ0 0"@DTrebuchet MSps MQ0 0"PDCourier Newps MQ0 01`DCordia Newps MQ0 0"pDTimes New Roman MQ0 0 B(.  @n?" dd@  @@`` 6.P z  /k !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789@ADEFGHILMNOPQRS l o prsutwxyz|{}~R$0#„9Dܷz^R$Q_j)9H A*RR$)#1D'2]R$R$NaRA G r$ԑ]>]Fir$%3àRHM;"i"R$v! )NX R$qܣ!h=;h jjjj     A@  A5% 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'pA)BCD|E||s " 0e@        @ABC DEEFGHIJK5%LMNOPQRSTUWYZ[ \]^_ `abN E5%  N E5%  N F   5%    !"?N@ABC DEFFGHIJK5%LMNOPQRSTUWYZ[ \]^_ `ab 33@8TZ ʚ;15ʚ;g4(d(d$0ppp@ <4ddddP0Hs g4dddd$0p pl<4BdBdP0Hs0___PPT10 ___PPT9RARg<B6 5?  O  =m0z/OS System REXX 1  Table of ContentsTrademarks Theme Session Objectives Overview Logical Overview Diagram Comparison of REXX & TSO Servers TSO/E Command Support Security & Enclave Considerations  Usage & Invocation Arguments & Variables Interaction & Dependencies Migration & Coexistence Considerations Installation Exploiting SYSREXX Best Practices Session Summary Appendix TrademarkspSee http://www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml for a list of trademarks. New trademarks: System REXXTM SYSREXXTM X(,   *!D  0- ThemeSimplification The role of SYSREXX in  New Face of z/OS is to provide an infrastructure through which REXX execs may be run outside the normal TSO/E or Batch environments, using a simple programming interface. This enables the leveraging of base operating system components by new style applications that will, over time, lead to simplified interaction and more intuitive system management capabilities on z/OS. The ability to initiate REXX execs directly from an operator console has been long overdue on z/OS and is a drag along benefit of this initiative. The possibilities for exploiting existing REXX code through the use of SYSREXX are vast, whether to provide operator assists or to provide routines that can be leveraged by new strategic initiatives.F" Session Objectives]Describe System REXX The Design Customization Getting Started Where to find more information(HH Overview *Problem Statement / Need Addressed: Required an Infrastructure to Support Web Based Initiatives interacting with z/OS Components New Face of z/OS z/OS Simplification & Management Solution: SYSREXX allows execs to be run simply & independently from traditional TSO/E & Batch Invocation uses a single program interface (AXREXX) Operator exploitation directly from a console Benefit: Enables rapid development & deployment of system programmer tools and operator assists Can be exploited by new & old style applications Health Checks may be written in REXX$P]PP!P PUPcP PP$]!   Uc    SYSREXX Logical Overview REXX Server vs TSO Server  REXX Server Execs run in AXR AS 1-64 Worker Subtasks EMCS for each subtask Detach after 100 execs Default HCE - MVS Recommend no Data Set Allocation here Availability impact if something serious breaksX ZZzZ0Z z0 *TSO Server Execs run in AXRnn AS 1-8 TSO Server Address Spaces EMCS for each AS Detach after 200 execs All Allocation capabilities Default HCE - TSO IKJTSOEV  Dynamic TSO environment SYSCALL supported Better availability should something serious break.. just cancel AXRnn ASn ZZvZ5ZJZ v5  Jd.!TSO/E Command Support 1 of 3"<TSO=YES requires an isolated address space to avail itself of TSO/E services and POSIX host commands authorized & jscbauth = 1 Address spaces called AXR01-08 within a dynamic TSO/E environment & ikjtsoev service TSO/E was modified to allow Sysrexx execs to invoke authorized commands PeqHeqH>rK%&J TSO/E Command Support 2 of 3!xTSO=Y Requests Run authorized & jscbauth = 1 in a separate address space & axr01-08 within a dynamic TSO/E environment & ikjtsoev service We restrict the number of commands that Sysrexx officially supports because the Dynamic TSO environment does not set up all the features of the Terminal Monitor Program (TMP) VZyZZZy> S1e/ TSO/E Command Support 3 of 3!*Problems Encountered: Some authorized commands do not tolerate a dynamic environment TSO/E control blocks are unavailable or incomplete CONSOLE host command environment is not supported Userid function does not return a valid userid In R11 (or with OA26802 applied), in most cases this has been corrected, but still would be in the case where the AXREXX invoker does not specify (or default to) a valid security environment. Link, Load, or Attach unauthorized modules & ABEND306 Resources not cleaned up, may influence subsequent execs Data sets left allocated are freed (but execs should clean up) Error handling paths that ABEND if error messages are issued ?33/o?>?33/  o?<," !Security & Enclave Considerations"AXREXX is an Authorized System Service Security Controls Essential Userid and Groupid Associations for SYSREXX Address Spaces Access to APF Library Permissions Standard security administration what can be accessed and/or run EXECs by default use Invoker s Security Environment Alternatively may use: Authority of a 3rd party  a surrogat Special userid which is assigned to AXRUSER EXECs use Invoker s Enclave service class Prevent CPU priority inversion & excessive resource usage Resource usage is charged back to invoker R'PP]P!P!PP4PPTP+PdPP ]!  !4    B    *  d$$((PNc0r3System REXX Address SpacesNSome Installation s Tightly Control Started Procedures Security Administrator must update the STARTED class profile and/or the Started Procedures Table (ICHRIN03) This assigns Userid and Group characteristics to these address spaces The AXR address space is System REXX Attach to Group for System address spaces Requires READ authority SYS1.PARMLIB & SYS1.SAXREXEC In R11 (or with OA26802 applied) - REXXLIB data sets :DVDV OUsage & Invocation 1 of 7PIQEasy way for Web Based Servers to run commands/functions & get back pertinent details Method for system and application components to exploit REXX parsing strengths Leverage REXX coding skills which are extensive & span all operating systems Faster development possibilities for new Health Checks Controlling RACF passwords and phrases QR OUsage & Invocation 2 of 7PI,Provision of simplified operator assist functions & quick fixes when necessary Exploitive possibilities by Customer code, IBM & ISV components & products SYSREXX is a Server Starts early during Master Scheduler Initialization No STOP capability but the AXR address space can be forced FORCE AXR,ARM |ZZZoZZZo OUsage & Invocation 3 of 7PIbNew Macro is AXREXX Caller must be authorized Two Modes of Execution TSO=NO Limited Data Set Support TSO=YES Full Data Set Support Permitted Three Operations are supported REQUEST=EXECUTE | CANCEL| | GETREXXLIB Arguments & Variables are used to pass input to and receive output from the REXX exec Parameter List is mapped by the AXRZARG macrov1R(1R( OUsage & Invocation 4 of 7PIDNew Macro is AXREXX continued Data Types supported: Input is converted to strings Output is returned as signed/unsigned, char, binary, hex Security Environment of Requester is used by default Can be changed with SECURITY= keyword Service Classification using Requester s enclave Time Limitations are Applied to Execs Default is 30 seconds Cancellation of REXX Exec using API OREQTOKEN parameter with REQUEST=CANCEL W5&1'$) W5&0    '  $)OUsage & Invocation 5 of 6PIOperator Command Support Detected by System REXX SSI Listener Uses a customizable Command Prefix (cpf) Administrative Support cpfSYSREXX STATUS[,DETAIL] cpfSYSREXX REXXLIB Seamless operator interface for REXX execs cpfRexxExecName Arg1 Arg2 & Argn REXX Execs Read From SYS1.SAXREXEC Or other data set in REXXLIB Concatenation (R11 or OA28602 applied) 8Z%Z)ZZ0Z,Z!Z#ZDZZ%$   ,   #Dbb  7 iOUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIOriginally three SYSREXX Functions were provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console l2ZZ7ZZ,Z Z/Z2 OUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIThree SYSREXX Functions are provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console v&7, /&>i OUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIThree SYSREXX Functions are provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console N&&>36 OUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIThree SYSREXX Functions are provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console @&&o8 OUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIThree SYSREXX Functions are provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console @&&o8 y6OUsage & Invocation 7 of 7PITwo additional ones were added in R11 (or OA26802 ): AXRWAIT Waits for a specified number of seconds Similar to SLEEP host command (available in TSO=YES environment) AXRINFO Obtains environmental information 5j $5j "n1EConsole Interface for REXX Execs 1 of 4 $F>The Console Interface is the MODIFY AXR command Can be replaced by the CPF value defined in AXR00 Provides a seamless operator interface for REXX execs MODIFY AXR,[,TIMEINT= ] cpf ] REXX execs are run with the AXREXX macro CONSDATA keyword in effect AXRWTO and AXRMLWTO functions send messages to the invoking console as command responses126aDY1265)DY  >!o2DConsole Interface for REXX Execs 2 of 4E>Command Authority determines which commands may be entered from a console. A userid logging onto a console has all permissions associated with the userid Console initiated REXX Execs run TSO=YES A blank separates arguments from one another and from the other command keywords The is a CHAR string consisting of the remainder of the command line SAY, TRACE and REXX messages are directed to the invoking console as multi-line message AXR0500I{7DConsole Interface for REXX Execs 3 of 4E>AXRUSER has NOTHING to do with the Console Interface for REXX Execs Common misconception Security environment is that of the user logged onto the console MVS.SYSREXX.EXECUTE. Resource used to determine whether the invoker is authorized to execute the exec MVS.SYSREXX. Resource used to determine whether the invoker is authorized to issue F AXR,SYSREXX STATUS and other MODIFY AXR commandstDWR yDWR y  :DConsole Interface for REXX Execs 4 of 4E>MODIFY AXR,SYREXX STATUS Provides overall status of System REXX MODIFY AXR,SYSREXX STATUS,DETAIL Provides detailed information about actively running execs MODIFY AXR,SYSREXX REXXLIB (R11 or OA28602 installed) Displays the REXXLIB concatenation'!<7#'!<  7  #  Arguments & VariablesUp to 20 ARGs and 256 VARs are Supported Caller specifies the data type of the ARG/VAR, the name of the ARG/VAR and whether it is input, output or both Signed/Unsigned 32 or 64 bit, CHAR String, BIT String, and HEX String Types are supported If the ARG/VAR is input, System REXX will convert the data type to a character string and set the ARG/VAR prior to exec invocation If the ARG/VAR is output, System REXX will obtain the final value of the ARG/VAR, convert it into the specified data type and copy it into the AXREXX invokers storage AXRZARG macro provides the ARG/VAR list mapping Special Variables set by AXR on input to the exec AXRREQTOKEN 32 Hex Request Token AXRINDD 8 Char If RexxInDsn Specified AXROUTDD 8 Char If RexxOutDsn Specified P[PZPP2PP[\2, ,  bAAXRZARG Mapping Macro BA cAAXRZARG Mapping Macro BAInteractions & Dependencies6Hardware Dependencies None Software Dependencies To Process Compiled REXX Code IBM Library for REXX on zSeries OR IBM Library for REXX on zSeries Alternate Library Exploiters CIM Server .. Cluster Instrumentation Health Checker Security Server (RACF) Open to exploitation by IBM, ISV and Customer Code\ \  ,g#XInstallation 1 of 5 $YQNo Installation Requirements on z/OS V1 R9 Install OA26802 (no need if running z/OS V1 R11 or higher) SYSREXX is a new BCP Component .. 5752SCAXR All Cross-Component Dependencies Included In Base Implementation & Customization Easy & Straightforward Reference Publications Authorized Assembler Services Guide .. SA22-7605 Starting SYSREXX Requires Ability to read SYS1.PARMLIB Parmlib member CTIAXR00 Ability to read SYS1.SAXREXEC (and the REXXLIB)+PPP.P6PPfP+.6  f XInstallation 2 of 5 $YQ" Parmlib Support SYSREXX Customization: AXR00 In R11 (or with OA28602 installed) IEASYSxx can specify an AXRxx parmlib concatenation AXR=(xx,yy,& ) First valid instance of option used CPF( cpfvalue ,SYSTEM|SYSPLEX) AXRUSER(userid) Optional with APAR OA22146 applied 4X22#X  2  #33tS(,}8XInstallation 3 of 5 $YQR Parmlib Support (continued) REXXLIB support (R11 or OA28602 installed) Up to 255 data sets are supported SYS1.SAXREXEC concatenated as the last data set unless specified Data sets must have the same characteristics as SYS1.SAXREXEC (i.e. variable length records of size 255) Component Trace (SYSAXR): CTIAXRxx Defaults to ERROR tracing ZZ+ZZ$ZZZ+$  /~9XInstallation 4 of 5 $YQ Proclib Support SYSREXX is restarted using procedure AXRPSTRT S AXRPSTRT Uses AXR00 for start parms S AXRPSTRT,AXR=(xx,yy& ) - in R11 or OA28602 installed REXX LIBRARY/REXX ALTERNATE LIBRARY Must be set up to run any compiled exec . 7$(.   7$(33>Wo!WInstallation 5 of 5XQParmlib & Proclib Members Copy member AXR00 from SAMPLIB to PARMLIB Customize AXR00 Choose a Command Prefix CPF( @ ,SYSTEM) If required setup a surrogat userid that SYSREXX may use AXRUSER(SYS1) On R11 or with OA28602 installed set up REXXLIB On R11 or with OA28602 installed set up IEASYSxx and specify multiple AXRxx members CTRACE member is CTIAXR00 Restart AXR using the AXRPSTRT procedure ::1::    1P O#Exploiting SYSREXXnCustomer Validation Is Critical Implement automation tasks that could be carried out from SYSREXX: Perhaps launch from exits Implement operator assists that could be launched from the console via SYSREXX Implement health checks in SYSREXX Reference Session 2815 from Orlando SHARE Proceedings  z/OS 1.9: Health Checker Update and User Experiences with System REXX Checks http://ew.share.org/proceedingmod/abstract.cfm?abstract_id=17633  Cr7 Cr7  O@}3AExploiting SYSREXXInvocation from the AXREXX macro SAY/TRACE output goes to the output data set specified by REXXOUTDSN on the AXREXX invocation If not specified output goes to the console specified by CONSDATA (this is the invoking console when the exec is initiated from an operator console) If CONSDATA is not specified, SAY/TRACE output is dropped AXRWTO/AXRMLWTO output goes to the Console specified by CONSDATA. Goes to the System Log if CONSDATA is not specified !_:z!_: zgExploiting SYSREXXInvocation from the AXREXX macro Errors converted into return/reason codes More info is needed to debug problems REXX communicates with messages NOT codes Use of REXXDIAG keyword essential for SYNC=YES System REXX processing interrogates REXX messages and returns REXX and TSO message ids In the case of a Syntax/Run-time error, returns the line where the error occurred Contents of REXXDIAG are reason code specific !*P0!*P0  BExploiting SYSREXXInvocation from the AXREXX macro Diagnostics when failing to process an input/output argument or variable For example, in the REXXVARS AXREXX parm, MyVar is an output variable of type AXRARGTypeUnSigned, but the variable contains non-numeric data Bad argument/variable number is stored in AXRARGLstEntryInError SYNC=YES option will suspend invoker until exec completes Do not use if the invoker cannot tolerate a delay (e.g. in an MPF exit) !I:H!I:H     PWaExploiting SYSREXXSample invocation of AXREXX macro Takes a jobname as input and issues the DISPLAY JOBS command to obtain the ASTE address of the job Typical of some applications that have been written in support of z/OSMF Invoke a command to fetch some piece of data to return to the invoker Many execs also invoke utility programs to obtain data in other ways e.g. generating data sets For example EREP can easily be invoked from an exec to format SYS1.LOGREGbIF_JIF_J  *eP_`T\ W] [^ C Common ErrorszFailure to correctly set up the REXX Run Time Library or the Alternate Library Causes failure to run compiled REXX execs Return/reason code 0C/xxxx0C08, message IRX0157E Performance issues Service class of AXR or AXRnn address spaces not set up properly (Discretionary  should be privileged) Parent task monitoring exec has much lower priority than subtask running exec (priority inversion) Causes failure to apply time limit or Cancel execs O[3O[3  ;QBest Practices 1 of 4RJ?Execs should free any obtained resources Since AXREXX is an authorized API, a level of trust is assumed since the REXX environments are reused unless the request fails (AXREXX non-zero retcode) For TSO=YES requests, SYSREXX detects data sets left allocated by the exec and deallocates them Negative performance impact Use Signal Handles: NOVALUE, SYNTAX, HALT Return the value of SIGL and the return code to the AXREXX invoker Provide a consistent diagnostic strategy Pass back return codes and reason codes of the failing API to the AXREXX invoker and any relevant messages)ZZZ*ZCZ)ZkZ)*C  )j,Q $dQBest Practices 2 of 4RJAlways specify the DIAG parm on AXREXX invocations Provides valuable diagnostic info Provide an argument to the exec to run with some level of REXX tracing active Specify RexxOutDsn or CONSDATA on AXREXX invocation to provide a destination for the trace output ^3"Nb3"Nd, RfQBest Practices 3 of 4RJCreate a REXXLIB concatenation and do NOT modify SYS1.SAXREXEC Ensure your exec names do not start with the letters A-I Use the TSO=NO environment if possible Benefits  Use of a shared address space Downside  NO TSO Host commands, NO SYSCALL (POSIX) Host commands. Single point of failure  a serious problem could cause a disruption to the AXREXX service @Z9Z'ZpZ\ZZZ@9'p\  <QBest Practices 4 of 4RJCoding conventions Use PROCEDURE/EXPOSE to ensure that changes made by a procedure only affect variables introduced within the procedure Prefix global variables with a lower case g and constants with a k. Input and Ouput Args/Vars can be prefixed with In, Out or INOUT. Variable naming conventions critical to program understanding See: http://www.rexxinfo.org/html/rexxinfo1.html#Rexx-Best-Practices I found Howard Fosdick s article to be helpful (he also has a book which is also informative)vPP>PFP^P>F  ^N l? F 0U=Possible Future EnhancementsUse the TMP for TSO=YES in place of the TSO Dynamic Environment Enables use of the CONSOLE Host Command Environment Enhance AXRWTO/AXRMLWTO Allow TSO=NO execs to be run as an operator command Operator command to cancel an exec B@4o@4p>Possible Future EnhancementsNew parmlib options Customization of default TIMEINT value (current default is 30 sec) Customization of the number of TSO=NO worker tasks and TSO=YES TSO Server address spaces Support for updating parmlib options without having to restart SYSREXX GG,/$Session SummarySystem REXX provides a gateway for new style applications to interface with z/OS components While the New Face matures, System REXX adds real value today through exploitation possibilities for operator assists and also certain system management processes We are keenly interested in your opinions and suggestions that will help to extend and mature this component Any Questions& ? .l~% AppendixCWeb Download Details Publication References SYSREXX Command Details&!Publication References)MVS Initialization & Tuning Reference SA22-7592 MVS System Commands SA22-7627 Authorized Assembler Services Guide SA22-7605 Authorized Assembler Services Reference Volume 1 SA22-7609 MVS System Codes SA22-7626 MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids GA22-7589 MVS System Messages Volume 3 SA22-7633L&P PP P$P P1P PP P&P PP P&    $  1      &    t4JSYSREXX Command 1 of 2KD   The STATUS sub-function results in a summary display of System REXX environmental information: time and date the AXR address space was started parmlib member/s used at startup command prefix used to identify console initiated REXX execs scope of the command prefix special userid against which SYSREXX requests may be invoked default timeout interval number of queued REXX execs requests REXX worker tasks available to process REXX execs Number of tasks actively processing requests Number of idle tasks Total number of tasks (active+idle) Maximum number of tasks that may be started Number of synchronous and asynchronous requests Number of untimed requests TSO server address spaces available to process REXX execs Number of address spaces actively processing requests Number of idle address spaces Total number of address spaces (active+idle) Maximum number of address spaces that may be started Number of synchronous and asynchronous requests Number of untimed requestsxcPXPP:PPcX  :   P h q u5JSYSREXX Command 2 of 2KD  q The DETAIL parameter causes detailed information about executing REXX execs to be displayed: name of the REXX exec requester Jobname and ASID type of request - TSO=N or TSO=Y time limit for the request unique request token associated with the request execution Jobname, ASID and TCB address for TSO=Y requests cpu seconds currently used current elapse time seconds<`ZZ_" >+4/3456 7 8 9 : ;<=>?@ABCDEIKLM O"P#Q$R%i0k2l3p4q5s6v7w8z:|;<=>?@ABEFGHIJKLMN E  <(        !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxz{|}~~  s *`iP   i ~  s *i`   i H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e=]+D=' = @B + N  <(  ~  s *`tP    ~  s *`    H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e=]+D=' = @B + M  <(  ~  s *؊#P   # ~  s *L+`   # H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.e=]+D=' = @B +A 0  "(  d  c $ 4h   ~  s *9  )c   H  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g`ĭg 0 SK (  d  c $ 4h   ?  s *WR  )c   System REXX keeps track of IRX (REXX) and IKJ (TSO) messages. In the event of a syntax error SYSREXX is able to return the message id corresponding to the syntax error, the line number and possibly other REXX/TSO issued messages. xxxx0828 Name: AXRExecSyntaxError Meaning: A syntax error or some other run time error was encountered during the execution of a REXX exec. Action: The REXX interpreter issues one or more error messages that indicate the offending line number. If RexxOutDsn is specified, look at the dataset for the message. If RexxOutDsn is not specified but ConsData is specified, look at the console or the system log. If RexxDiag is specified, AXRDIAG1 contains the number of the error which corresponds to an IRXnnnI message, AXRDIAG2 contains the line number where the error occurred and AXRDIAG3 and AXRDIAG4 contain the message ids of the last two IRX or IKJ messages that were issued before the exec completed. All of these values are in packed decimal format with the sign bits shifted out. A 1 in the high order byte distinguishes an IKJ message from an IRX message.  P t G "[nH  0Bhy ? 3380___PPT10.g`ĭr( V p^K0( h  v&rnorthru@us.ibm.com4mailto:rnorthru@us.ibm.com~http://www.rexxinfo.org/html/rexxinfo1.html#Rexx-Best-Practice5% 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'pA)BCD|E||s " 0e@        @ABC DEEFGHIJK5%LMNOPQRSTUWYZ[ \]^_ `abN E5%  N E5%  N F   5%    !"?N@ABC DEFFGHIJK5%LMNOPQRSTUWYZ[ \]^_ `ab 33@8TZ ʚ;15ʚ;g4(d(d$0ppp@ <4ddddP0Hs g4dddd$0p pl<4BdBdP0Hs0___PPT10 ___PPT9RARg<B6 5?  O  =m0z/OS System REXX 1  Table of ContentsTrademarks Theme Session Objectives Overview Logical Overview Diagram Comparison of REXX & TSO Servers TSO/E Command Support Security & Enclave Considerations  Usage & Invocation Arguments & Variables Interaction & Dependencies Migration & Coexistence Considerations Installation Exploiting SYSREXX Best Practices Session Summary Appendix TrademarkspSee http://www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml for a list of trademarks. New trademarks: System REXXTM SYSREXXTM X(,   *!D  0- ThemeSimplification The role of SYSREXX in  New Face of z/OS is to provide an infrastructure through which REXX execs may be run outside the normal TSO/E or Batch environments, using a simple programming interface. This enables the leveraging of base operating system components by new style applications that will, over time, lead to simplified interaction and more intuitive system management capabilities on z/OS. The ability to initiate REXX execs directly from an operator console has been long overdue on z/OS and is a drag along benefit of this initiative. The possibilities for exploiting existing REXX code through the use of SYSREXX are vast, whether to provide operator assists or to provide routines that can be leveraged by new strategic initiatives.F" Session Objectives]Describe System REXX The Design Customization Getting Started Where to find more information(HH Overview *Problem Statement / Need Addressed: Required an Infrastructure to Support Web Based Initiatives interacting with z/OS Components New Face of z/OS z/OS Simplification & Management Solution: SYSREXX allows execs to be run simply & independently from traditional TSO/E & Batch Invocation uses a single program interface (AXREXX) Operator exploitation directly from a console Benefit: Enables rapid development & deployment of system programmer tools and operator assists Can be exploited by new & old style applications Health Checks may be written in REXX$P]PP!P PUPcP PP$]!   Uc    SYSREXX Logical Overview REXX Server vs TSO Server  REXX Server Execs run in AXR AS 1-64 Worker Subtasks EMCS for each subtask Detach after 100 execs Default HCE - MVS Recommend no Data Set Allocation here Availability impact if something serious breaksX ZZzZ0Z z0 *TSO Server Execs run in AXRnn AS 1-8 TSO Server Address Spaces EMCS for each AS Detach after 200 execs All Allocation capabilities Default HCE - TSO IKJTSOEV  Dynamic TSO environment SYSCALL supported Better availability should something serious break.. just cancel AXRnn ASn ZZvZ5ZJZ v5  Jd.!TSO/E Command Support 1 of 3"<TSO=YES requires an isolated address space to avail itself of TSO/E services and POSIX host commands authorized & jscbauth = 1 Address spaces called AXR01-08 within a dynamic TSO/E environment & ikjtsoev service TSO/E was modified to allow Sysrexx execs to invoke authorized commands PeqHeqH>rK%&J TSO/E Command Support 2 of 3!xTSO=Y Requests Run authorized & jscbauth = 1 in a separate address space & axr01-08 within a dynamic TSO/E environment & ikjtsoev service We restrict the number of commands that Sysrexx officially supports because the Dynamic TSO environment does not set up all the features of the Terminal Monitor Program (TMP) VZyZZZy> S1e/ TSO/E Command Support 3 of 3!*Problems Encountered: Some authorized commands do not tolerate a dynamic environment TSO/E control blocks are unavailable or incomplete CONSOLE host command environment is not supported Userid function does not return a valid userid In R11 (or with OA26802 applied), in most cases this has been corrected, but still would be in the case where the AXREXX invoker does not specify (or default to) a valid security environment. Link, Load, or Attach unauthorized modules & ABEND306 Resources not cleaned up, may influence subsequent execs Data sets left allocated are freed (but execs should clean up) Error handling paths that ABEND if error messages are issued ?33/o?>?33/  o?<," !Security & Enclave Considerations"AXREXX is an Authorized System Service Security Controls Essential Userid and Groupid Associations for SYSREXX Address Spaces Access to APF Library Permissions Standard security administration what can be accessed and/or run EXECs by default use Invoker s Security Environment Alternatively may use: Authority of a 3rd party  a surrogat Special userid which is assigned to AXRUSER EXECs use Invoker s Enclave service class Prevent CPU priority inversion & excessive resource usage Resource usage is charged back to invoker R'PP]P!P!PP4PPTP+PdPP ]!  !4    B    *  d$$((PNc0r3System REXX Address SpacesNSome Installation s Tightly Control Started Procedures Security Administrator must update the STARTED class profile and/or the Started Procedures Table (ICHRIN03) This assigns Userid and Group characteristics to these address spaces The AXR address space is System REXX Attach to Group for System address spaces Requires READ authority SYS1.PARMLIB & SYS1.SAXREXEC In R11 (or with OA26802 applied) - REXXLIB data sets :DVDV OUsage & Invocation 1 of 7PIQEasy way for Web Based Servers to run commands/functions & get back pertinent details Method for system and application components to exploit REXX parsing strengths Leverage REXX coding skills which are extensive & span all operating systems Faster development possibilities for new Health Checks Controlling RACF passwords and phrases QR OUsage & Invocation 2 of 7PI,Provision of simplified operator assist functions & quick fixes when necessary Exploitive possibilities by Customer code, IBM & ISV components & products SYSREXX is a Server Starts early during Master Scheduler Initialization No STOP capability but the AXR address space can be forced FORCE AXR,ARM |ZZZoZZZo OUsage & Invocation 3 of 7PIbNew Macro is AXREXX Caller must be authorized Two Modes of Execution TSO=NO Limited Data Set Support TSO=YES Full Data Set Support Permitted Three Operations are supported REQUEST=EXECUTE | CANCEL| | GETREXXLIB Arguments & Variables are used to pass input to and receive output from the REXX exec Parameter List is mapped by the AXRZARG macrov1R(1R( OUsage & Invocation 4 of 7PIDNew Macro is AXREXX continued Data Types supported: Input is converted to strings Output is returned as signed/unsigned, char, binary, hex Security Environment of Requester is used by default Can be changed with SECURITY= keyword Service Classification using Requester s enclave Time Limitations are Applied to Execs Default is 30 seconds Cancellation of REXX Exec using API OREQTOKEN parameter with REQUEST=CANCEL W5&1'$) W5&0    '  $)OUsage & Invocation 5 of 6PIOperator Command Support Detected by System REXX SSI Listener Uses a customizable Command Prefix (cpf) Administrative Support cpfSYSREXX STATUS[,DETAIL] cpfSYSREXX REXXLIB Seamless operator interface for REXX execs cpfRexxExecName Arg1 Arg2 & Argn REXX Execs Read From SYS1.SAXREXEC Or other data set in REXXLIB Concatenation (R11 or OA28602 applied) 8Z%Z)ZZ0Z,Z!Z#ZDZZ%$   ,   #Dbb  7 iOUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIOriginally three SYSREXX Functions were provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console l2ZZ7ZZ,Z Z/Z2 OUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIThree SYSREXX Functions are provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console v&7, /&>i OUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIThree SYSREXX Functions are provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console N&&>36 OUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIThree SYSREXX Functions are provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console @&&o8 OUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIThree SYSREXX Functions are provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console @&&o8 y6OUsage & Invocation 7 of 7PITwo additional ones were added in R11 (or OA26802 ): AXRWAIT Waits for a specified number of seconds Similar to SLEEP host command (available in TSO=YES environment) AXRINFO Obtains environmental information 5j $5j "n1EConsole Interface for REXX Execs 1 of 4 $F>The Console Interface is the MODIFY AXR command Can be replaced by the CPF value defined in AXR00 Provides a seamless operator interface for REXX execs MODIFY AXR,[,TIMEINT= ] cpf ] REXX execs are run with the AXREXX macro CONSDATA keyword in effect AXRWTO and AXRMLWTO functions send messages to the invoking console as command responses126aDY1265)DY  >!o2DConsole Interface for REXX Execs 2 of 4E>Command Authority determines which commands may be entered from a console. A userid logging onto a console has all permissions associated with the userid Console initiated REXX Execs run TSO=YES A blank separates arguments from one another and from the other command keywords The is a CHAR string consisting of the remainder of the command line SAY, TRACE and REXX messages are directed to the invoking console as multi-line message AXR0500I{7DConsole Interface for REXX Execs 3 of 4E>AXRUSER has NOTHING to do with the Console Interface for REXX Execs Common misconception Security environment is that of the user logged onto the console MVS.SYSREXX.EXECUTE. Resource used to determine whether the invoker is authorized to execute the exec MVS.SYSREXX. Resource used to determine whether the invoker is authorized to issue F AXR,SYSREXX STATUS and other MODIFY AXR commandstDWR yDWR y  :DConsole Interface for REXX Execs 4 of 4E>MODIFY AXR,SYREXX STATUS Provides overall status of System REXX MODIFY AXR,SYSREXX STATUS,DETAIL Provides detailed information about actively running execs MODIFY AXR,SYSREXX REXXLIB (R11 or OA28602 installed) Displays the REXXLIB concatenation'!<7#'!<  7  #  Arguments & VariablesUp to 20 ARGs and 256 VARs are Supported Caller specifies the data type of the ARG/VAR, the name of the ARG/VAR and whether it is input, output or both Signed/Unsigned 32 or 64 bit, CHAR String, BIT String, and HEX String Types are supported If the ARG/VAR is input, System REXX will convert the data type to a character string and set the ARG/VAR prior to exec invocation If the ARG/VAR is output, System REXX will obtain the final value of the ARG/VAR, convert it into the specified data type and copy it into the AXREXX invokers storage AXRZARG macro provides the ARG/VAR list mapping Special Variables set by AXR on input to the exec AXRREQTOKEN 32 Hex Request Token AXRINDD 8 Char If RexxInDsn Specified AXROUTDD 8 Char If RexxOutDsn Specified P[PZPP2PP[\2, ,  bAAXRZARG Mapping Macro BA cAAXRZARG Mapping Macro BAInteractions & Dependencies6Hardware Dependencies None Software Dependencies To Process Compiled REXX Code IBM Library for REXX on zSeries OR IBM Library for REXX on zSeries Alternate Library Exploiters CIM Server .. Cluster Instrumentation Health Checker Security Server (RACF) Open to exploitation by IBM, ISV and Customer Code\ \  ,g#XInstallation 1 of 5 $YQNo Installation Requirements on z/OS V1 R9 Install OA26802 (no need if running z/OS V1 R11 or higher) SYSREXX is a new BCP Component .. 5752SCAXR All Cross-Component Dependencies Included In Base Implementation & Customization Easy & Straightforward Reference Publications Authorized Assembler Services Guide .. SA22-7605 Starting SYSREXX Requires Ability to read SYS1.PARMLIB Parmlib member CTIAXR00 Ability to read SYS1.SAXREXEC (and the REXXLIB)+PPP.P6PPfP+.6  f XInstallation 2 of 5 $YQ" Parmlib Support SYSREXX Customization: AXR00 In R11 (or with OA28602 installed) IEASYSxx can specify an AXRxx parmlib concatenation AXR=(xx,yy,& ) First valid instance of option used CPF( cpfvalue ,SYSTEM|SYSPLEX) AXRUSER(userid) Optional with APAR OA22146 applied 4X22#X  2  #33tS(,}8XInstallation 3 of 5 $YQR Parmlib Support (continued) REXXLIB support (R11 or OA28602 installed) Up to 255 data sets are supported SYS1.SAXREXEC concatenated as the last data set unless specified Data sets must have the same characteristics as SYS1.SAXREXEC (i.e. variable length records of size 255) Component Trace (SYSAXR): CTIAXRxx Defaults to ERROR tracing ZZ+ZZ$ZZZ+$  /~9XInstallation 4 of 5 $YQ Proclib Support SYSREXX is restarted using procedure AXRPSTRT S AXRPSTRT Uses AXR00 for start parms S AXRPSTRT,AXR=(xx,yy& ) - in R11 or OA28602 installed REXX LIBRARY/REXX ALTERNATE LIBRARY Must be set up to run any compiled exec . 7$(.   7$(33>Wo!WInstallation 5 of 5XQParmlib & Proclib Members Copy member AXR00 from SAMPLIB to PARMLIB Customize AXR00 Choose a Command Prefix CPF( @ ,SYSTEM) If required setup a surrogat userid that SYSREXX may use AXRUSER(SYS1) On R11 or with OA28602 installed set up REXXLIB On R11 or with OA28602 installed set up IEASYSxx and specify multiple AXRxx members CTRACE member is CTIAXR00 Restart AXR using the AXRPSTRT procedure ::1::    1P O#Exploiting SYSREXXnCustomer Validation Is Critical Implement automation tasks that could be carried out from SYSREXX: Perhaps launch from exits Implement operator assists that could be launched from the console via SYSREXX Implement health checks in SYSREXX Reference Session 2815 from Orlando SHARE Proceedings  z/OS 1.9: Health Checker Update and User Experiences with System REXX Checks http://ew.share.org/proceedingmod/abstract.cfm?abstract_id=17633  Cr7 Cr7  O@}3AExploiting SYSREXXInvocation from the AXREXX macro SAY/TRACE output goes to the output data set specified by REXXOUTDSN on the AXREXX invocation If not specified output goes to the console specified by CONSDATA (this is the invoking console when the exec is initiated from an operator console) If CONSDATA is not specified, SAY/TRACE output is dropped AXRWTO/AXRMLWTO output goes to the Console specified by CONSDATA. Goes to the System Log if CONSDATA is not specified !_:z!_: zgExploiting SYSREXXInvocation from the AXREXX macro Errors converted into return/reason codes More info is needed to debug problems REXX communicates with messages NOT codes Use of REXXDIAG keyword essential for SYNC=YES System REXX processing interrogates REXX messages and returns REXX and TSO message ids In the case of a Syntax/Run-time error, returns the line where the error occurred Contents of REXXDIAG are reason code specific !*P0!*P0  BExploiting SYSREXXInvocation from the AXREXX macro Diagnostics when failing to process an input/output argument or variable For example, in the REXXVARS AXREXX parm, MyVar is an output variable of type AXRARGTypeUnSigned, but the variable contains non-numeric data Bad argument/variable number is stored in AXRARGLstEntryInError SYNC=YES option will suspend invoker until exec completes Do not use if the invoker cannot tolerate a delay (e.g. in an MPF exit) !I:H!I:H     PWaExploiting SYSREXXSample invocation of AXREXX macro Takes a jobname as input and issues the DISPLAY JOBS command to obtain the ASTE address of the job Typical of some applications that have been written in support of z/OSMF Invoke a command to fetch some piece of data to return to the invoker Many execs also invoke utility programs to obtain data in other ways e.g. generating data sets For example EREP can easily be invoked from an exec to format SYS1.LOGREGbIF_JIF_J  *eP_`T\ W] [^ C Common ErrorszFailure to correctly set up the REXX Run Time Library or the Alternate Library Causes failure to run compiled REXX execs Return/reason code 0C/xxxx0C08, message IRX0157E Performance issues Service class of AXR or AXRnn address spaces not set up properly (Discretionary  should be privileged) Parent task monitoring exec has much lower priority than subtask running exec (priority inversion) Causes failure to apply time limit or Cancel execs O[3O[3  ;QBest Practices 1 of 4RJ?Execs should free any obtained resources Since AXREXX is an authorized API, a level of trust is assumed since the REXX environments are reused unless the request fails (AXREXX non-zero retcode) For TSO=YES requests, SYSREXX detects data sets left allocated by the exec and deallocates them Negative performance impact Use Signal Handles: NOVALUE, SYNTAX, HALT Return the value of SIGL and the return code to the AXREXX invoker Provide a consistent diagnostic strategy Pass back return codes and reason codes of the failing API to the AXREXX invoker and any relevant messages)ZZZ*ZCZ)ZkZ)*C  )j,Q $dQBest Practices 2 of 4RJAlways specify the DIAG parm on AXREXX invocations Provides valuable diagnostic info Provide an argument to the exec to run with some level of REXX tracing active Specify RexxOutDsn or CONSDATA on AXREXX invocation to provide a destination for the trace output ^3"Nb3"Nd, RfQBest Practices 3 of 4RJCreate a REXXLIB concatenation and do NOT modify SYS1.SAXREXEC Ensure your exec names do not start with the letters A-I Use the TSO=NO environment if possible Benefits  Use of a shared address space Downside  NO TSO Host commands, NO SYSCALL (POSIX) Host commands. Single point of failure  a serious problem could cause a disruption to the AXREXX service @Z9Z'ZpZ\ZZZ@9'p\  <QBest Practices 4 of 4RJCoding conventions Use PROCEDURE/EXPOSE to ensure that changes made by a procedure only affect variables introduced within the procedure Prefix global variables with a lower case g and constants with a k. Input and Ouput Args/Vars can be prefixed with In, Out or INOUT. Variable naming conventions critical to program understanding See: http://www.rexxinfo.org/html/rexxinfo1.html#Rexx-Best-Practices I found Howard Fosdick s article to be helpful (he also has a book which is also informative)vPP>PFP^P>F  ^N l? F 0U=Possible Future EnhancementsUse the TMP for TSO=YES in place of the TSO Dynamic Environment Enables use of the CONSOLE Host Command Environment Enhance AXRWTO/AXRMLWTO Allow TSO=NO execs to be run as an operator command Operator command to cancel an exec B@4o@4p>Possible Future EnhancementsNew parmlib options Customization of default TIMEINT value (current default is 30 sec) Customization of the number of TSO=NO worker tasks and TSO=YES TSO Server address spaces Support for updating parmlib options without having to restart SYSREXX GG,/$Session SummarySystem REXX provides a gateway for new style applications to interface with z/OS components While the New Face matures, System REXX adds real value today through exploitation possibilities for operator assists and also certain system management processes We are keenly interested in your opinions and suggestions that will help to extend and mature this component Any Questions& ? .l~% AppendixCWeb Download Details Publication References SYSREXX Command Details&!Publication References)MVS Initialization & Tuning Reference SA22-7592 MVS System Commands SA22-7627 Authorized Assembler Services Guide SA22-7605 Authorized Assembler Services Reference Volume 1 SA22-7609 MVS System Codes SA22-7626 MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids GA22-7589 MVS System Messages Volume 3 SA22-7633L&P PP P$P P1P PP P&P PP P&    $  1      &    t4JSYSREXX Command 1 of 2KD   The STATUS sub-function results in a summary display of System REXX environmental information: time and date the AXR address space was started parmlib member/s used at startup command prefix used to identify console initiated REXX execs scope of the command prefix special userid against which SYSREXX requests may be invoked default timeout interval number of queued REXX execs requests REXX worker tasks available to process REXX execs Number of tasks actively processing requests Number of idle tasks Total number of tasks (active+idle) Maximum number of tasks that may be started Number of synchronous and asynchronous requests Number of untimed requests TSO server address spaces available to process REXX execs Number of address spaces actively processing requests Number of idle address spaces Total number of address spaces (active+idle) Maximum number of address spaces that may be started Number of synchronous and asynchronous requests Number of untimed requestsxcPXPP:PPcX  :   P h q u5JSYSREXX Command 2 of 2KD  q The DETAIL parameter causes detailed information about executing REXX execs to be displayed: name of the REXX exec requester Jobname and ASID type of request - TSO=N or TSO=Y time limit for the request unique request token associated with the request execution Jobname, ASID and TCB address for TSO=Y requests cpu seconds currently used current elapse time seconds<`ZZ_" >+4/3456 7 8 9 : ;<=>?@ABCDEIKLM O"P#Q$R%i0k2l3p4q5s6v7w8z:|;<=>?@ABEFGHIJKLMNr{qE( h   v&rnorthru@us.ibm.com4mailto:rnorthru@us.ibm.com~http://www.rexxinfo.org/html/rexxinfo1.html#Rexx-Best-PracticesVhttp://www.rexxinfo.org/html/rexxinfo1.html0&Rexx-Best-Practices,/ 0`DArialNew t MQ0 0DWingdingst MQ0 0 DTimesngst MQ0 0 0DImpactgst MQ0 0"@DTrebuchet MSt MQ0 0"PDCourier Newt MQ0 01`DCordia Newt MQ0 0"pDTimes New Roman MQ0 0 B(.  @n?" dd@  @@`` 6.P z  /k !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789@ADEFGHILMNOPQRS l o prsutwxyz|{}~R$0#„9Dܷz^R$Q_j)9H A*RR$)#1D'2]R$R$NaRA G r$ԑ]>]Fir$%3àRHM;"i"R$v! )NX R$qܣ!h=;h jjjj     A@  A5% 8c8c     ?1 d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'pA)BCD|E||s " 0e@        @ABC DEEFGHIJK5%LMNOPQRSTUWYZ[ \]^_ `abN E5%  N E5%  N F   5%    !"?N@ABC DEFFGHIJK5%LMNOPQRSTUWYZ[ \]^_ `ab 33@8TZ ʚ;15ʚ;g4(d(d$0ppp@ <4ddddP0t g4dddd$0p pl<4BdBdP0t 0___PPT10 ___PPT9RARg6B6 5?  O  =ç0z/OS System REXX 1  Table of ContentsTrademarks Theme Session Objectives Overview Logical Overview Diagram Comparison of REXX & TSO Servers TSO/E Command Support Security & Enclave Considerations  Usage & Invocation Arguments & Variables Interaction & Dependencies Migration & Coexistence Considerations Installation Exploiting SYSREXX Best Practices Session Summary Appendix TrademarkspSee http://www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml for a list of trademarks. New trademarks: System REXXTM SYSREXXTM X(,   *!D  0- ThemeSimplification The role of SYSREXX in  New Face of z/OS is to provide an infrastructure through which REXX execs may be run outside the normal TSO/E or Batch environments, using a simple programming interface. This enables the leveraging of base operating system components by new style applications that will, over time, lead to simplified interaction and more intuitive system management capabilities on z/OS. The ability to initiate REXX execs directly from an operator console has been long overdue on z/OS and is a drag along benefit of this initiative. The possibilities for exploiting existing REXX code through the use of SYSREXX are vast, whether to provide operator assists or to provide routines that can be leveraged by new strategic initiatives.F" Session Objectives]Describe System REXX The Design Customization Getting Started Where to find more information(HH Overview *Problem Statement / Need Addressed: Required an Infrastructure to Support Web Based Initiatives interacting with z/OS Components New Face of z/OS z/OS Simplification & Management Solution: SYSREXX allows execs to be run simply & independently from traditional TSO/E & Batch Invocation uses a single program interface (AXREXX) Operator exploitation directly from a console Benefit: Enables rapid development & deployment of system programmer tools and operator assists Can be exploited by new & old style applications Health Checks may be written in REXX$P]PP!P PUPcP PP$]!   Uc    SYSREXX Logical Overview REXX Server vs TSO Server  REXX Server Execs run in AXR AS 1-64 Worker Subtasks EMCS for each subtask Detach after 100 execs Default HCE - MVS Recommend no Data Set Allocation here Availability impact if something serious breaksX ZZzZ0Z z0 *TSO Server Execs run in AXRnn AS 1-8 TSO Server Address Spaces EMCS for each AS Detach after 200 execs All Allocation capabilities Default HCE - TSO IKJTSOEV  Dynamic TSO environment SYSCALL supported Better availability should something serious break.. just cancel AXRnn ASn ZZvZ5ZJZ v5  Jd.!TSO/E Command Support 1 of 3"<TSO=YES requires an isolated address space to avail itself of TSO/E services and POSIX host commands authorized & jscbauth = 1 Address spaces called AXR01-08 within a dynamic TSO/E environment & ikjtsoev service TSO/E was modified to allow Sysrexx execs to invoke authorized commands PeqHeqH>rK%&J TSO/E Command Support 2 of 3!xTSO=Y Requests Run authorized & jscbauth = 1 in a separate address space & axr01-08 within a dynamic TSO/E environment & ikjtsoev service We restrict the number of commands that Sysrexx officially supports because the Dynamic TSO environment does not set up all the features of the Terminal Monitor Program (TMP) VZyZZZy> S1e/ TSO/E Command Support 3 of 3!Problems Encountered: Some authorized commands do not tolerate a dynamic environment TSO/E control blocks are unavailable or incomplete CONSOLE host command environment is not supported Userid function does not return a valid userid In R11 (or with OA26802 applied), in most cases this has been corrected, but still would be in the case where the AXREXX invoker does not specify (or default to) a valid security environment. Link, Load, or Attach unauthorized modules & ABEND306 Resources not cleaned up, may influence subsequent execs Data sets left allocated are freed (but execs should clean up)?33/o??33/  o?,"o !Security & Enclave Considerations"AXREXX is an Authorized System Service Security Controls Essential Userid and Groupid Associations for SYSREXX Address Spaces Access to APF Library Permissions Standard security administration what can be accessed and/or run EXECs by default use Invoker s Security Environment Alternatively may use: Authority of a 3rd party  a surrogat Special userid which is assigned to AXRUSER EXECs use Invoker s Enclave service class Prevent CPU priority inversion & excessive resource usage Resource usage is charged back to invoker R'PP]P!P!PP4PPTP+PdPP ]!  !4    B    *  d$$((PNc0r3System REXX Address SpacesNSome Installation s Tightly Control Started Procedures Security Administrator must update the STARTED class profile and/or the Started Procedures Table (ICHRIN03) This assigns Userid and Group characteristics to these address spaces The AXR address space is System REXX Attach to Group for System address spaces Requires READ authority SYS1.PARMLIB & SYS1.SAXREXEC In R11 (or with OA26802 applied) - REXXLIB data sets :DVDV OUsage & Invocation 1 of 7PIQEasy way for Web Based Servers to run commands/functions & get back pertinent details Method for system and application components to exploit REXX parsing strengths Leverage REXX coding skills which are extensive & span all operating systems Faster development possibilities for new Health Checks Controlling RACF passwords and phrases QR OUsage & Invocation 2 of 7PI,Provision of simplified operator assist functions & quick fixes when necessary Exploitive possibilities by Customer code, IBM & ISV components & products SYSREXX is a Server Starts early during Master Scheduler Initialization No STOP capability but the AXR address space can be forced FORCE AXR,ARM |ZZZoZZZo OUsage & Invocation 3 of 7PIbNew Macro is AXREXX Caller must be authorized Two Modes of Execution TSO=NO Limited Data Set Support TSO=YES Full Data Set Support Permitted Three Operations are supported REQUEST=EXECUTE | CANCEL| | GETREXXLIB Arguments & Variables are used to pass input to and receive output from the REXX exec Parameter List is mapped by the AXRZARG macrov1R(1R( OUsage & Invocation 4 of 7PIDNew Macro is AXREXX continued Data Types supported: Input is converted to strings Output is returned as signed/unsigned, char, binary, hex Security Environment of Requester is used by default Can be changed with SECURITY= keyword Service Classification using Requester s enclave Time Limitations are Applied to Execs Default is 30 seconds Cancellation of REXX Exec using API OREQTOKEN parameter with REQUEST=CANCEL W5&1'$) W5&0    '  $)OUsage & Invocation 5 of 6PIOperator Command Support Detected by System REXX SSI Listener Uses a customizable Command Prefix (cpf) Administrative Support cpfSYSREXX STATUS[,DETAIL] cpfSYSREXX REXXLIB Seamless operator interface for REXX execs cpfRexxExecName Arg1 Arg2 & Argn REXX Execs Read From SYS1.SAXREXEC Or other data set in REXXLIB Concatenation (R11 or OA28602 applied) 8Z%Z)ZZ0Z,Z!Z#ZDZZ%$   ,   #Dbb  7 iOUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIOriginally three SYSREXX Functions were provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console l2ZZ7ZZ,Z Z/Z2 OUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIThree SYSREXX Functions are provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console v&7, /&>i OUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIThree SYSREXX Functions are provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console N&&>36 OUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIThree SYSREXX Functions are provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console @&&o8 OUsage & Invocation 6 of 7PIThree SYSREXX Functions are provided: AXRCMD Issue a console command and return command responses AXRWTO Issue a single line message to a console AXRMLWTO Issue a multiline line message to a console @&&o8 y6OUsage & Invocation 7 of 7PITwo additional ones were added in R11 (or OA26802 ): AXRWAIT Waits for a specified number of seconds Similar to SLEEP host command (available in TSO=YES environment) AXRINFO Obtains environmental information 5j $5j "n1EConsole Interface for REXX Execs 1 of 4 $F>The Console Interface is the MODIFY AXR command Can be replaced by the CPF value defined in AXR00 Provides a seamless operator interface for REXX execs MODIFY AXR,[,TIMEINT= ] cpf ] REXX execs are run with the AXREXX macro CONSDATA keyword in effect AXRWTO and AXRMLWTO functions send messages to the invoking console as command responses126aDY1265)DY  >!o2DConsole Interface for REXX Execs 2 of 4E>Command Authority determines which commands may be entered from a console. A userid logging onto a console has all permissions associated with the userid Console initiated REXX Execs run TSO=YES A blank separates arguments from one another and from the other command keywords The is a CHAR string consisting of the remainder of the command line SAY, TRACE and REXX messages are directed to the invoking console as multi-line message AXR0500I{7DConsole Interface for REXX Execs 3 of 4E>AXRUSER has NOTHING to do with the Console Interface for REXX Execs Common misconception Security environment is that of the user logged onto the console MVS.SYSREXX.EXECUTE. Resource used to determine whether the invoker is authorized to execute the exec MVS.SYSREXX. Resource used to determine whether the invoker is authorized to issue F AXR,SYSREXX STATUS and other MODIFY AXR commandstDWR yDWR y  :DConsole Interface for REXX Execs 4 of 4E>MODIFY AXR,SYREXX STATUS Provides overall status of System REXX MODIFY AXR,SYSREXX STATUS,DETAIL Provides detailed information about actively running execs MODIFY AXR,SYSREXX REXXLIB (R11 or OA28602 installed) Displays the REXXLIB concatenation'!<7#'!<  7  #  Arguments & VariablesUp to 20 ARGs and 256 VARs are Supported Caller specifies the data type of the ARG/VAR, the name of the ARG/VAR and whether it is input, output or both Signed/Unsigned 32 or 64 bit, CHAR String, BIT String, and HEX String Types are supported If the ARG/VAR is input, System REXX will convert the data type to a character string and set the ARG/VAR prior to exec invocation If the ARG/VAR is output, System REXX will obtain the final value of the ARG/VAR, convert it into the specified data type and copy it into the AXREXX invokers storage AXRZARG macro provides the ARG/VAR list mapping Special Variables set by AXR on input to the exec AXRREQTOKEN 32 Hex Request Token AXRINDD 8 Char If RexxInDsn Specified AXROUTDD 8 Char If RexxOutDsn Specified P[PZPP2PP[\2, ,  bAAXRZARG Mapping Macro BA cAAXRZARG Mapping Macro BAInteractions & Dependencies6Hardware Dependencies None Software Dependencies To Process Compiled REXX Code IBM Library for REXX on zSeries OR IBM Library for REXX on zSeries Alternate Library Exploiters CIM Server .. Cluster Instrumentation Health Checker Security Server (RACF) Open to exploitation by IBM, ISV and Customer Code\ \  ,g#XInstallation 1 of 5 $YQNo Installation Requirements on z/OS V1 R9 Install OA26802 (no need if running z/OS V1 R11 or higher) SYSREXX is a new BCP Component .. 5752SCAXR All Cross-Component Dependencies Included In Base Implementation & Customization Easy & Straightforward Reference Publications Authorized Assembler Services Guide .. SA22-7605 Starting SYSREXX Requires Ability to read SYS1.PARMLIB Parmlib member CTIAXR00 Ability to read SYS1.SAXREXEC (and the REXXLIB)+PPP.P6PPfP+.6  f XInstallation 2 of 5 $YQ" Parmlib Support SYSREXX Customization: AXR00 In R11 (or with OA28602 installed) IEASYSxx can specify an AXRxx parmlib concatenation AXR=(xx,yy,& ) First valid instance of option used CPF( cpfvalue ,SYSTEM|SYSPLEX) AXRUSER(userid) Optional with APAR OA22146 applied 4X22#X  2  #33tS(,}8XInstallation 3 of 5 $YQR Parmlib Support (continued) REXXLIB support (R11 or OA28602 installed) Up to 255 data sets are supported SYS1.SAXREXEC concatenated as the last data set unless specified Data sets must have the same characteristics as SYS1.SAXREXEC (i.e. variable length records of size 255) Component Trace (SYSAXR): CTIAXRxx Defaults to ERROR tracing ZZ+ZZ$ZZZ+$  /~9XInstallation 4 of 5 $YQ Proclib Support SYSREXX is restarted using procedure AXRPSTRT S AXRPSTRT Uses AXR00 for start parms S AXRPSTRT,AXR=(xx,yy& ) - in R11 or OA28602 installed REXX LIBRARY/REXX ALTERNATE LIBRARY Must be set up to run any compiled exec . 7$(.   7$(33>Wo!WInstallation 5 of 5XQParmlib & Proclib Members Copy member AXR00 from SAMPLIB to PARMLIB Customize AXR00 Choose a Command Prefix CPF( @ ,SYSTEM) If required setup a surrogat userid that SYSREXX may use AXRUSER(SYS1) On R11 or with OA28602 installed set up REXXLIB On R11 or with OA28602 installed set up IEASYSxx and specify multiple AXRxx members CTRACE member is CTIAXR00 Restart AXR using the AXRPSTRT procedure ::1::    1P O#Exploiting SYSREXXnCustomer Validation Is Critical Implement automation tasks that could be carried out from SYSREXX: Perhaps launch from exits Implement operator assists that could be launched from the console via SYSREXX Implement health checks in SYSREXX Reference Session 2815 from Orlando SHARE Proceedings  z/OS 1.9: Health Checker Update and User Experiences with System REXX Checks http://ew.share.org/proceedingmod/abstract.cfm?abstract_id=17633  Cr7 Cr7  O@}3AExploiting SYSREXXInvocation from the AXREXX macro SAY/TRACE output goes to the output data set specified by REXXOUTDSN on the AXREXX invocation If not specified output goes to the console specified by CONSDATA (this is the invoking console when the exec is initiated from an operator console) If CONSDATA is not specified, SAY/TRACE output is dropped AXRWTO/AXRMLWTO output goes to the Console specified by CONSDATA. Goes to the System Log if CONSDATA is not specified !_:z!_: zgExploiting SYSREXXInvocation from the AXREXX macro Errors converted into return/reason codes More info is needed to debug problems REXX communicates with messages NOT codes Use of REXXDIAG keyword essential for SYNC=YES System REXX processing interrogates REXX messages and returns REXX and TSO message ids In the case of a Syntax/Run-time error, returns the line where the error occurred Contents of REXXDIAG are reason code specific !*P0!*P0  BExploiting SYSREXXInvocation from the AXREXX macro Diagnostics when failing to process an input/output argument or variable For example, in the REXXVARS AXREXX parm, MyVar is an output variable of type AXRARGTypeUnSigned, but the variable contains non-numeric data Bad argument/variable number is stored in AXRARGLstEntryInError SYNC=YES option will suspend invoker until exec completes Do not use if the invoker cannot tolerate a delay (e.g. in an MPF exit) !I:H!I:H     PWaExploiting SYSREXXSample invocation of AXREXX macro Takes a jobname as input and issues the DISPLAY JOBS command to obtain the ASTE address of the job Typical of some applications that have been written in support of z/OSMF Invoke a command to fetch some piece of data to return to the invoker Many execs also invoke utility programs to obtain data in other ways e.g. generating data sets For example EREP can easily be invoked from an exec to format SYS1.LOGREGbIF_JIF_J  *eP_`T\ W] [^ C Common ErrorszFailure to correctly set up the REXX Run Time Library or the Alternate Library Causes failure to run compiled REXX execs Return/reason code 0C/xxxx0C08, message IRX0157E Performance issues Service class of AXR or AXRnn address spaces not set up properly (Discretionary  should be privileged) Parent task monitoring exec has much lower priority than subtask running exec (priority inversion) Causes failure to apply time limit or Cancel execs O[3O[3  ;QBest Practices 1 of 4RJ?Execs should free any obtained resources Since AXREXX is an authorized API, a level of trust is assumed since the REXX environments are reused unless the request fails (AXREXX non-zero retcode) For TSO=YES requests, SYSREXX detects data sets left allocated by the exec and deallocates them Negative performance impact Use Signal Handles: NOVALUE, SYNTAX, HALT Return the value of SIGL and the return code to the AXREXX invoker Provide a consistent diagnostic strategy Pass back return codes and reason codes of the failing API to the AXREXX invoker and any relevant messages)ZZZ*ZCZ)ZkZ)*C  )k,Q $dQBest Practices 2 of 4RJAlways specify the DIAG parm on AXREXX invocations Provides valuable diagnostic info Provide an argument to the exec to run with some level of REXX tracing active Specify RexxOutDsn or CONSDATA on AXREXX invocation to provide a destination for the trace output X3"Nb3"Nd, RfQBest Practices 3 of 4RJCreate a REXXLIB concatenation and do NOT modify SYS1.SAXREXEC Ensure your exec names do not start with the letters A-I Use the TSO=NO environment if possible Benefits  Use of a shared address space Downside  NO TSO Host commands, NO SYSCALL (POSIX) Host commands. Single point of failure  a serious problem could cause a disruption to the AXREXX service @Z9Z'ZpZ\ZZZ@9'p\  <QBest Practices 4 of 4RJCoding conventions Use PROCEDURE/EXPOSE to ensure that changes made by a procedure only affect variables introduced within the procedure Prefix global variables with a lower case g and constants with a k. Input and Ouput Args/Vars can be prefixed with In, Out or INOUT. Variable naming conventions critical to program understanding See: http://www.rexxinfo.org/html/rexxinfo1.html#Rexx-Best-Practices I found Howard Fosdick s article to be helpful (he also has a book which is also informative)vPP>PFP^P>F  ^N l? F 0U=Possible Future EnhancementsUse the TMP for TSO=YES in place of the TSO Dynamic Environment Enables use of the CONSOLE Host Command Environment Enhance AXRWTO/AXRMLWTO Allow TSO=NO execs to be run as an operator command Operator command to cancel an exec B@4o@4p>Possible Future EnhancementsNew parmlib options Customization of default TIMEINT value (current default is 30 sec) Customization of the number of TSO=NO worker tasks and TSO=YES TSO Server address spaces Support for updating parmlib options without having to restart SYSREXX GG,/$Session SummarySystem REXX provides a gateway for new style applications to interface with z/OS components While the New Face matures, System REXX adds real value today through exploitation possibilities for operator assists and also certain system management processes We are keenly interested in your opinions and suggestions that will help to extend and mature this component Any Questions& ? .l~% Appendix/ Publication References SYSREXX Command Details/0&!Publication References)MVS Initialization & Tuning Reference SA22-7592 MVS System Commands SA22-7627 Authorized Assembler Services Guide SA22-7605 Authorized Assembler Services Reference Volume 1 SA22-7609 MVS System Codes SA22-7626 MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids GA22-7589 MVS System Messages Volume 3 SA22-7633L&P PP P$P P1P PP P&P PP P&    $  1      &    t4JSYSREXX Command 1 of 2KD   The STATUS sub-function results in a summary display of System REXX environmental information: time and date the AXR address space was started parmlib member/s used at startup command prefix used to identify console initiated REXX execs scope of the command prefix special userid against which SYSREXX requests may be invoked default timeout interval number of queued REXX execs requests REXX worker tasks available to process REXX execs Number of tasks actively processing requests Number of idle tasks Total number of tasks (active+idle) Maximum number of tasks that may be started Number of synchronous and asynchronous requests Number of untimed requests TSO server address spaces available to process REXX execs Number of address spaces actively processing requests Number of idle address spaces Total number of address spaces (active+idle) Maximum number of address spaces that may be started Number of synchronous and asynchronous requests Number of untimed requestsxcPXPP:PPcX  :   P h q u5JSYSREXX Command 2 of 2KD  q The DETAIL parameter causes detailed information about executing REXX execs to be displayed: name of the REXX exec requester Jobname and ASID type of request - TSO=N or TSO=Y time limit for the request unique request token associated with the request execution Jobname, ASID and TCB address for TSO=Y requests cpu seconds currently used current elapse time seconds<`ZZ_" >+4/3456 7 8 9 : ;<=>?@ABCDEIKLM O"P#Q$R%i0k2l3p4q5s6v7w8z:|;<=>?@ABEFGHIJKLMN 3 *(  r  S ,QUP   U x  c $WU`   U H  0޽h ? xx-т___PPT10i.ށ"+D=' = @B + $ @<(  @~ @ s *